Mechanical Companies Pressure Washing


New member

I'm getting very frustrated. So many companies are using their mechanical company to provide all services.

I contacted one of those mechanical companies today and he tells me that he has two trucks that he uses for PW, but I could send him some info and pricing and he will keep us in mind.

I feel like I'm in a corner here, he does work for a few large companies I had really wanted to work to get on bi-weeklies and of course we would love to get in with them, but at the same time do I really want to give them my pricing if they are offering our services and doing it themselves?

What do you guys do with this?

Thanks, any help is appreciated.
I think I would give this company my card but wouldn't discuss pricing with them as of yet.

You need to remember a few things with mechanical companies...

Normally you are a sub-contractor for stuff. Meaning that you basically have to wholesale your services so they can mark it up on their end and still be in the ball park when it comes to pricing.

I don't discuss detailed pricing unless I have a contract in place saying that they will use me and only me as their power washer.

I do work for a few companies like this. One does ok and the other not so well. It depends if their sales people are confident enough to sell power washing services. Most are are some type of commission bases.

I'm sure I haven't covered everything but here are a few pointers to start with.