lol, check this out

It's unprofessional to have that on your company's web site if you ask me..................and no, I don't have or know anyone with a speech impediment.........
I think the exact opposite. In this day and age, anything that will give you an edge is worth having. something like that will keep people thinking about that company and that site. Funny, seemed to work for David Letterman for many years. I thought it was funny but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. that is the beauty of free speech.
That's why you have a nickel and dime business, and you will get nowhere in life. Insensitive moron!
I not sure who you are saying has a nickel and dime business you twit, but if you are talking to mwa, let's see I have a 6000 job and a 3000 job this week, won't even go into the next few months. Oh, those don't include my contract work. I see you are in Fargo, ND, I guess you can do a whole lot of pressure washing in those low temps huh, lol. Trevor, do you even have a business? of do you just like to mouth off on here to get your kicks that you can't get anywhere else? anyway, you are free to say what you like I guess, unless Mike says other wise. Good night sweet heart, I have to go back to work now honey.
This is Stuttering Bob. I am not sure if you guys understand. I do actually stutter and have my whole life. I am a second generation pressure cleaner and have cleaned just about everything. I put that on my web site because I have the hardest time on the phone. I think it will set customers at ease that have never called me and don't know me and also set me at ease. You guys have know idea what it is like to have this impedement. At times when I answer the phone I block and it takes me up to five seconds to get a word out. Laughter is the best medicine. I did not do this for advertising gain. When people know I stutter it makes my life a lot easier. Take this for what it's worth.

Robert Williamson
(Stuttering Bob)
Gee, I gues bob set it straight huh? Good for you Bob, I have several friends that stutter, I don't notice it. If it give you an edge you go for it.

Heck I wish I had a top ten list, I will take number five, That is why you sell so many parts, Do you really get made about your bald spot?

Good Luck,

LOL Mike C.
Trevor is not exactly truthful in his name or local, but he does have a large business, and knowledge to go with it. He just likes playing around on the bb.
Don't take anything to serious, as he is just playing.
I don't stutter, I stammer, and the more excited I get the more I stammer. It can be embarassing, but I have learned to deal with it and keep it to a minimum now, through a ton of effort. I can understand where you are coming from exactly.

Scott Stone
Whatever works for you, Bob.........go for it. I was just giving my first impression.

As for one cares what Barry thinks I'll leave it there.
Stand corrected Mike,

I havea speach impediment but since you have not spoken to me on the phone you would not have known that.

Mine comes from the first several years of life before they knew I was partly deaf, I pronounced words the way I heard them and it was not the way people with normal hearing heard them.

As for letting others know I am part deaf, I always tell them upfront that I might ask you to repeat something due to my deafness and not because I was not paying attention, works every time.

I had a couple friends years ago that stuttered, there are many levels of it, most stop talking for a few seconds to gain control over it and then continue on. There are special classes to help control it, I believe most states have deaf schools and also provide those classes.

As for "stuttering" Bob I have spoke with him many times, yes he does stutter and at times it can be hard for him but how does someone deal with it, you stop talking and let him finish what he is saying regardless of the time it takes him.

After all it is not his brain that does not work right, he knows darn well what he wants to say, it is the stuttering that slows him down.

And he is not the least bit embarrased about it IF you know not to interrupt a stutterer till they stop talking completely.

As for Scott Stone, have met the guy a few times and never once noticed his stammering, could be I did not hear it or he was acting normal at the time. Or I just don't give much thought to the fact that we all have some handicaps in life, be it blind in one eye, deafness, overly short, heavy, very tall etc.

Always treat others as you would want them to treat you if YOU had their handicap, try going a day blindfolded before you make fun of the blind, plug your ears so you cannot hear for a day and see what I go though, I have never heard birds, violins, sirens till the are very close to me ( I drive with my eyes, meaning I use my mirrors more then most), try not talking for day (muteness) yes there are people who can hear but not talk.

Like blonde jokes, making fun of others who stutter, talk funny (my way of saying a speach impediment) wear very thick glasses is not only wrong but in this day and age is called discriminating.

Not to sound like a jerk but people have sued others over crude remarks on those things.


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not sure how to take those comments, I wasn't making fun of anyone. It was my idea for bob to do what he did. I don't make fun of or feel differently about anyone with any type of problem. If your deaf, sorry, I wouldn't think twice about it exept to speak a little louder or not get mad when you said "what" 50 times in a conversation. I was only asking scott what stammering was because I never heard of it. I just wanted to be alittle more educated. So if you thought I was being mean in any way, I wasn't by any stretch of the imagination
Michael I was not trying to make it sound like I was upset with you or anyone else about Bob's stuttering or people who have speach impediments.

It is a touchy subject with me for the same reasons it might be with Bob, as a kid I was teased all the time about my speach and not answering people when they spoke to me. How could I if I did not know they were talking to me?

I just took the opertunity to point out how others are in life and how we should be to those that are not "perfect" in others eyes.

I see, we had a conversation about it the other day and I thought it would be a good idea since it doesn't seem to bother him to use it to his advantage in his business. I said instead of hiding it, or trying to and maybe shocking people on the phone, to give a little poke of fun at himself and it will let everyone know that he stutters before they even talk to him so they won't be surprised. well it seemed to work since he has gotten calls already from people just to say hi because they saw the site and some people ended up ordering from him. I thought it would be a way to keep him and his biz in peoples thoughts more often. anything to give you an advantage, and I think it will work for him. so how's biz out there? how do you like the surfacer?
Perhaps I should have used the word EDUCATE to tell othes a lot of people have some hidden disabilities in life which are not apparent till you start talking to them.

As for the Bad Boy it is working pretty good, a couple minor adjustments and a heck of a workout coming up soon will truly put it to the test.

Try 6 straight nights of 7 to 10 hours per night working. Should anything show up negative Bob knows he will get a phone call the next day about it.

Now let me get back on the handicap problem, first I do not consider it a handicap that Bob stutters or I cannot hear since we were born that way, way I see it is if the other person has a problem with it that is their problem, like I said and Bob and others are normal since this is how we were born.

Those that are close to others always kid their friends and that is accepted.