I dont mind the music...............but your forced to listen to it, you should have to select it to play it.
Wow did I start something here... I can hear it now ( that dang John B he disappears for a week or 2 and comes back all cocky ) It must be the Music ...... Well back to work on my sales DVD .. See yall soon.
For a long time I have been asking why foam over downstream caustic and I simply can’t get a good response to this comparison. When you take into account setup time and transition to roof, I don’t think you can beat downstream and a strong Caustic mix. Plus we don't have to put up with that awful music.
I can put some good music to some chemical streaming if you'd like.
For a long time I have been asking why foam over downstream caustic and I simply can’t get a good response to this comparison. When you take into account setup time and transition to roof, I don’t think you can beat downstream and a strong Caustic mix. Plus we don't have to put up with that awful music.
I have downstreamed caustic for a while now. It works well for most grease, but it doesn't hold a candle to foam when dealing with Italian, Mexican, and Oriental grease.
Bunn: May be dumb question but what chem mix do you downstream and has it had any affect on your pump??dh