I had to shoot a pitbull today!


I was washing a two story house today and went back towards my flatbed to get more hose . I see a pitbull charge after me from 500 ft away. So I took off running for my gun I rounded the corner grabbed my gun turned around a the dog was 25 ft away still charging. So I opened fire, that dog didn't like the 0040 full of my house wash hitting it's face so it took off running in the other direction. The owner caught it a little after that so I could keep washing. I'm glad it was me and not some little kid he could have hurt. I always carry a zero tip cause you never know!
Well yeah, that would pretty much go for any breed. But this one was obviously aggressive. It doesn't matter to me the breed, if they are aggressive they need to be controled.
My luck I would have dropped the shooter tip switching out or not locked it in good! Any way I mostly use a Hi-Low variable fan nozzle now on house washes now and it would have been easy peasy to pull to high pressure and long shooter. 200 feet of hose would also hold about 10 seconds of soap at high pressure before the line cleared so about a gallon and a half of high pressure soap would likely work. Glad to hear you did not have to use the .357 magnum tip!
Quick Draw Kory!
It seems that about every 2 months or so we have a problem with a pitbull attacking people, children or even babies here.

It is a shame that people train these dogs so aggressively but don't teach them to behave around people they know, even their own family.
Chris, it doesn't always have to do with the training. Pit bulls are BY FAR the most aggressive species of dog even when trained properly. Not saying they ALL are aggressive, just that your likelyhood of being attacked by a pit bull, even a well trained one, goes up dramatically vs any other dog.
They are bred for aggressiveness. That is their whole history up until recently when people decided to try to make lap dogs out of them. It's not working too well.
Scott D i hope you know your roof cleaning better than you know your facts about pittbulls please do five minutes of research before you say what you did.You are wrong way wrong about them being the most aggresive dogs.These dogs were bred to fight other dogs not be human aggresive when they fought in the early days how could the cornermen handle these dogs if they were aggresive.I do not advocate dog fighting in anyway i hate it but its just facts.When 101 dalmations came out there were more bites from these dogs than any pittbull.Please to all be safe and this is coming from somebody who got bit in the face by a lab yes a lab.It could be any kind of dog that sees you and is aggresive towards people.I also agree with your earlier post Scott about to bad it wasnt a real gun nobody needs wild dogs attacking them in sundivisions.
Scott D i hope you know your roof cleaning better than you know your facts about pittbulls please do five minutes of research before you say what you did.You are wrong way wrong about them being the most aggresive dogs.These dogs were bred to fight other dogs not be human aggresive when they fought in the early days how could the cornermen handle these dogs if they were aggresive.I do not advocate dog fighting in anyway i hate it but its just facts.When 101 dalmations came out there were more bites from these dogs than any pittbull.Please to all be safe and this is coming from somebody who got bit in the face by a lab yes a lab.It could be any kind of dog that sees you and is aggresive towards people.I also agree with your earlier post Scott about to bad it wasnt a real gun nobody needs wild dogs attacking them in sundivisions.

Sorry Hal, but you are wrong. Ive done plenty of research on this and have this argument frequently. Usually it is with people such as yourself that let their emotions and personal relationships get in the way reality. Similar to the way Obama got elected.


Heres the breakdown of Pit Bulls VS the second most aggressive:

1. Pit Bull
Varieties included: Pit Bull, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American StaffordshireTerrier
Registered dogs (U.S.): 2,683
Child victims: 661
Adult victims: 519
Maimings: 819
Deaths: 159

2. Chow Chow
Registered dogs (U.S.): 1,592
Child victims: 35
Adult victims: 14
Maimings: 34
Deaths: 7

Theres 18x more attacks on Children, 37x more on Adults, and accounts for more than 22x more deaths.

I could keep going, but wont. Problem is when emotions are involved, facts dont matter. Im not saying one day YOUR dog will snap and kill one of your children or you, but I am saying that by owning a pitt bull you up your chances by 20-30 times and that can not be argued.
HAHA! the pittbull and obama in the same boat who wins? Its funny iposted the same thing on Facebook and I cant tell you how many people where mad at me for shooting a pittbull (they thought with a real gun because they dont know what a 0040 is). I said great so you would rather me be missing a limb than me shoot the dog. I love dogs that is the reason I shot it with water and not my other gun. But I really felt the love from them.