I can't believe this


New member
I get a call yesterday from one of my customers saying that I never showed up to clean his albertsons. I actually cleaned his albertsons about a month ago, and now he is making this big deal saying that i never showed and he doesn't have to pay me( when I already got paid for the job). Basically this guy is a crook. The previous management and pressure washing company used to kick this guy down with $$$ for him to keep his mouth shut. He is mad because I won't do that. I know what he is trying to do. He wants them washed again so he doesn't have to pay. This is a new management company I am working with they are giving me a lot of jobs, so I told them I will redo the job. Isn't that some BS. ( This has never happened to me and to let you know I did the job and did it right)
Then why would you redo the job for free? If you clean it again after you have done it right the first time then they get another bill. If you don't already always take a before and after shot of your work for these instances with a digital for time and date reasons. If you were paid then they must have accepted your bill for the cleaning. I don't play that game and never will. I don't care if you are getting other jobs from these people, because it will happen again. There are laws to protect you against this just like there are laws to protect the consumer. Do you have a contract? Or just a call when they need it done?
Every 3 months we are to pressure wash. and I did make the mistake of not taking any before and after pictures. Next time this wont happen.
Just remember it's your word against the guy or company who pays you. If the manager calls corporate who signs the check and says you didn't show up , and you have no proof without a signature on paper you can get the shaft. I have the guys take pictures of any job they do, for the before and after. The reason is there is no one around to sign the work performed line at 3.00am or on. Most of us have to clean commercial in the early am to avoid nosey customers and work more proficient. So we take the pictures just for the fact that if there is ever a question later, or also because of our recovery practices we take pictures of the recovery for us and our clients if later someone says we didn't do what we were supposed to.

Example in my terms and conditions for contracts if the customer does not pick up the garbage and keep area free for cleaning they will loose us and have to pay the remainder of the yearly balance. This has happened with one franchise of restraunts. Four of their stores lost us do to the fact that every time we went to clean the employees would leave Garbage bags ripped open that didn't make it into the dumpster, and broken beer bottles, and even garbage cans all over. They were warned and it continued once more and that was it. I called and they checked into it. Of course the managers denied it happened. So then the camera was downloaded and there was the evidence. Employess were in a hurry to get home and didn't care where the garbage ended up. Needless to say we were promptly payed by four of the stores the remainder of the yearly balances per contract. So see the camera is your friend and should be kept with you on all jobs.
thank you for your help. I know it wont happen again.