Handy man work

Just thought I'd ask for some thoughs and advise. When I came back from Seattle buisness was abit slow due to a drop off in advertising.... Now that I am back I have got advertising back up to par and been doing some sub contract work for afew friends who have there own buisnesses. I have been offered alot of odd jobs lately.. like finish installing lamenate wood floors, painting a porch, hanging a ceiling fan, and a bunch of other small gigs. So my question to all of you is.. Has anyone here had any luck adding Handy Man work into there pressure washing buisness?? I am handy with tools and home improvements, but I wonder if I should seperate this or just add this on to my services. Any thoughts welcome!
I would seperate it online and in advertising, but maybe offer it to your customers. When I see signs that say "pressurewashing/roof cleaning/carpentry/tree trimming/etc.." It screams "HAAAACCKK" JUST TRYING TO MAKE A BUCK." We are going to add a swimming pool maintenance next summer, but its gonna be totally seperate, but we will offer it to current customers. Just me .02
Don't know about SC but around here handy men are $10 to $12 an hour whores. Every time new construction goes flat everyone with a pick up truck and a saw is a contractor/hand man. I know, I tried to compete with them and run a legit and profitable business for many years.

Do you what you must to feed the family but don't loose focus. PW and roof cleaning has allowed much better margins for me personally. Good luck.
I agree with Richard. People needing handyman work done will keep you away from your pressure washing business and won't pay you enough to pay taxes on the money earned. Most "side-jobs" I allow myself to be talked into doing for regular customers, I regret it, regret it, regret it.
Now, if I do any handy man work for anyone, I do it for free.
That's just my experence.
KEEP the faith Jeffrey, and do not lose sight of your dream.
Work REALTORS right now ?
They are desperate to keep listings that are not selling.
They are on your side, and want to sell a clean property.
ASK them if you may politely contact some listings that need spruced up.
I WISH I could be there Man, I would take you out cold calling with me.
You HAVE a million dollar business, you just gotta work it :)
If you have an opportunity to do a side job that can be profitable I would be inclined to take it. I would not advertise that service as others have said. You need to stay focused on what you WANT to do. Letting yourself be pulled in multiple directions will take time away from working on your core business.
I offer Handyman as a service, but then again I already have a full time job paying the bills.... All of my pressure washing work is "play" money..... I am always doing something for someone from hanging garage door openers , ceiling fans, painting, etc...... I howvevr would prefer to only wash but if they are willing to pay me my price on the handyman stuff I dont turn it away...... By the way thanks for all you help with the roof cleaning stuff. I did my first roof the other day and it turned out awesome!!!!!!!! Thansk again, Jim
My philosophy is that you only have so many working hours in a day. You must only fill those hours with work that is the most profitable and what you want to do the most. If a person takes other jobs to stay busy, there will be no time to look for the pressure wash jobs that they really want to do.

Decline the side jobs and not so perfect customers. This will insure that you are hungry to fill your schedule with high paying pressure wash clients that you enjoy working with. It's hard to do sometimes but always works for the better in the end.
I just hung some signs for a PM in a multi million dollar complex,I charge 35.00 per hour and he paid it took me 1.5 hours to hang em.

I will do it for my price and I let the people know up front I'm high but I'm also here right now and usually they go for it to get it done and over with.

That being said I don't seek this kind of work out, or try to upsell it.

Money is money, if your running your expensive equipment and climbing around on a roof or your installing a ceiling fan, you should know your hourly rate just charge it.

One thing I won't do for money is move flowerpots,they tend to get expensive(laughing thru my tears).