C&D Mobile
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My partner and I recently met a distributor who sells a nifty soap applicator that he calls a stepper. It is a electronic controll board that controlls the soaps dilution ratio and upstreams it at high pressure. The best part about his system is that you can switch through three different soaps and back to clean water simply by jogging the trigger. Every time you release the trigger it switches. The downfall is that it cost 5K, and he also wants to be our soap provider if we want him to install this system. We were wondering if anyone knew of any similar systems which do not have to be this advanced. All we care about is that it acurately meters the soap and is easy to switch between two different soaps, and clean water. We love being able to apply soap at high pressure, and we hate pre diluting. What is the best way to apply soap at high pressure without pre diluting it.