contact cement remover help

Mechanical removal is your only option.
I'm with Thad. I've tried all kinds of stuff to get that type of adhesive back into solution. Heat and scraping can work sometimes but a surface grinder will do it in a fraction of the time and effort. Then I'd look at one of the concrete stains or finishes some folks on here do. That or get the jackhammers out.
Contact cement is an adhesive. You spread it on both surfaces put them together then separate them and allow them to skin and then connect them. Once they make contact that's it. It's very strong like super glue. They use it for plastic laminates like Formica etc.
Surface grinder!
Two fold problem. The paint thinner is a solvent, which if anything made the situation worse, by forcing the glue residue deeper into the concrete (similar to oil stains on residential driveways where the customer tried using multiple products from the hardware store, including Muratic acid).

Since the glue or mastic has been adhered to the concrete for many tears, is it embedded. As suggested above, if your customer is expecting new looking concrete, without all the checkerboard squares and glue left behind, a floor grinder/resurfacer is your only option.