Company veh. and salary?

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My brother just moved to MD to work with me full time. He will run the fleet washing division as soon as I feel he is ready. He has no car and I plan on giving him a company truck. My question is should I lower his salary in order to cover cost? Keep in mind this is my brother but it is a nice truck and not cheap. Should he pay for fuel or should I? Maybe I give him options that all have about the same financial outcome.How have you handled this when you came across this issue. Sorry this is a little sloppy.
Trevor, I never had a similar situation. I think it comes down to the financial abilities of you company, your relationship with your brother, the the IRS implications and the phantom "what if" factor.
you cover costs, and pay him hourly
Give him a gas card, and a phone these are easy to keep track of because there is a paper trail. I would not lower his salary unless he was going to use the truck and phone as a personal perk.
The truck will be used as a personal vehicle as well.
This is what I am thinking.
-medium salary
-company vehicle (all costs covered)
-cell phone (personal and bus.)

I am doing this to help him get off his feet, maybe when he buys his own vehicle I will raise his salary and the comp. vehicle will be used for work only.

Thanks for the input!