Cleaning for Heros

Russ Spence

Commercial Pressure Wash Expert

The need is great....

Thousands of soldiers who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan are returning to civilian life with moderate to severe physical injuries. Disabling injuries such as loss of limbs, head trauma and debilitating injuries to arms and legs make it difficult for these men and women to meet the demands of everyday life such as cleaning and maintaining their homes. There are hundreds of thousands more disabled veterans from World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the Gulf War who also have disabling injuries that make it difficult to maintain their homes. <O:p</O:p

<O:pVeterans' organizations nationwide are trying hard to meet the needs of disabled veterans, but until Cleaning for Heroes, there was no organization dedicated to meeting the needs of this very deserving group of men and women by providing much needed house cleaning help. For some elderly veterans, the difference between having some household help, or not having household help, could be the difference between whether they get to stay in the home they have lived in all their lives or be forced into a retirement home.
Cleaning for Heroes is dedicated to providing home services and repair services to veterans who otherwise could not afford to hire household help but we can't do it alone. Donations to Cleaning for Heroes by caring individuals, such as yourself, help us to reach out to more of our community's heroes that need our help. Please consider making a donation to Cleaning for Heroes. Every penny counts and every penny helps! Cleaning for Heroes is a non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Rhode Island. Cleaning for Heroes is a 501c3 tax exempt organization.
Wow that is a really cool find Russ! I just started speaking with my local VA about doing similar work to help local vets in my area. Now I have a different path to look at as well.
Thanks for exposing all of us to this charity to help the vets. Hopefully everyone will take a look at it and consider donating anytime they can, even helping one goes a long way.
Thanks so much, you guys! We are incredibly honored to have your support. Our program costs nothing to join and we offer free marketing benefits, product donations (when available, to offset the cost of donated cleaning services), and a REALLY great opportunity to help heroes in your communities. Look what happened when Scott in Houston joined our program...he had no idea he was going to be front page news on this site:

Thanks again for sharing our info here. We'd love it if everyone joined!
Guys this is as worth while a program as they come. We definitely digit do it for the publicity, but it sure was welcome!

Torrey and I are actually in talks about are large event next year.

Cleaning for heros is great and Torrey is the best.
WOw that is great. I just signed up. Thanks for sharing Russ. Hey Scott, if you get anything you need help on, let me know.
I have been trying to figure out how to get started on this for a while..Ever since I saw Scotts first deal with them.. Thanks for the info Russ, I just faxed my app. back to them this morning!! Can't wait to get started!!
Got my application last night via email. Also saw a lot of post's on the CFH facebook sight of companies signing up. This is exciting. Can't wait to help the Vet's that have fought so hard for us and our freedom and the opportunity to have my own business. This is the least I coud do. Thanks to CFH and Torrey for this opportunity.
Hi all!

Those who have sent their application back have all been approved and announced via our Facebook page! Anne is redoing our site so your link to your website will appear very soon...let me know if you have any questions in the meantime. It really made our day to see the pressure washing industry come forth en masse and show your support like this. Keep it up guys! We have a lot of exciting things going on and look forward to working with you and our community heroes.

Thanks again. :)
Hi all!

Those who have sent their application back have all been approved and announced via our Facebook page! Anne is redoing our site so your link to your website will appear very soon...let me know if you have any questions in the meantime. It really made our day to see the pressure washing industry come forth en masse and show your support like this. Keep it up guys! We have a lot of exciting things going on and look forward to working with you and our community heroes.

Thanks again. :)

You have a strong group of people who are extremely proud of our service members I am sure the requests have just begun.