Can Contractors run the PWNA????????

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
In the past I have talked with MH and he has told me about past when the membership had a contrctor as president. he discussed that it almost went down the tubes.

I want to see the contractors run the organization and i want to see change.

What can we do as members right now for change?

If not contractors, then who?? Do you want distributors/dealers running things?? ....But what contractor has adaquate time to allocate to such an endeavor (upper level BOD)?? I think it is great guys like Henry and JohnT. do what they do, but really, how much time could they possibly have to offer?? Henry has a good-sized biz, and heck, JohnT. has a fulltime job. Not to mention families, fun, etc.

I AM NOT A PWNA MEMBER. So my opinions should be valued as just that. But if the pwna is generating some $$ now as Ron alludes, I think the best thing they could do with it is hire some top-notch consulting firms to help them take some steps forward, and coach them how something like this org. should be run. Seems to me they take a step forward, and take two big steps back, as portrayed in the prior post about training classes. As an outsider looking in, that is almost a laughable problem. That would be "adios" for me as a member. I think the group needs help. Not a brainstorm with a bunch of other washers, but some outside assistance from some people that actually know how to make something like they are trying to create work.

I'm not saying it is valueless like some seem to think--quite the opposite. The networking is where the value is, but there should be other things of value....I've been doing this since 96' and it just doesn't seem like the pwna is any stronger now then it was then, when it was a young org. And I think the original founders feel the same way--and that is why powerwashing is now grouped in with janitors, window washers, proctologists, and about anyone else that uses their hands to make money for a living.
I agree with many of your points Jon, I gotta tell yah you opinion as a non-member means something to me.
If my attitude was like some on this BOD about non-members could go stick it. Well I’m here to tell you we won’t last long on that BOD.

If I had treated all my non-customer poorly do you thing I would have customers? WOW
Jon, I’m asking you send in the 200 bucks if I run, I’ll need your vote. I will need your help, but if you don’t like my vision for the future then don’t vote for me.

You will be clear where I stand and that for all of us to make money.

I want the organization to mean more than education programs. I want to stop certifying non-members. That’s funny!!!!!!!!!! They don’t care about non-members but they keep taking money for training non-members and certifying them.
Some may think I friends here and others partners. I have made some good people. That what it is to me at this point. Other folks trying to accomplish a common goal. Betterment of the industry.
Ron Musgraves said:
I agree with many of your points Jon, I gotta tell yah you opinion as a non-member means something to me.
If my attitude was like some on this BOD about non-members could go stick it. Well I’m here to tell you we won’t last long on that BOD.

If I had treated all my non-customer poorly do you thing I would have customers? WOW
Jon, I’m asking you send in the 200 bucks if I run, I’ll need your vote. I will need your help, but if you don’t like my vision for the future then don’t vote for me.

You will be clear where I stand and that for all of us to make money.

I want the organization to mean more than education programs. I want to stop certifying non-members. That’s funny!!!!!!!!!! They don’t care about non-members but they keep taking money for training non-members and certifying them.
Some may think I friends here and others partners. I have made some good people. That what it is to me at this point. Other folks trying to accomplish a common goal. Betterment of the industry.


Please let me know if you do seriously decide to run, or post it here.
mike, I talked to him on the phone yesterday, I think he is serious. Harnessed properly, he'd definitely bring some new ideas and a fresh perspective to the org, in my opinion as a non-member, but one who would like to see it be very successful.
Jon Fife said:
mike, I talked to him on the phone yesterday, I think he is serious. Harnessed properly, he'd definitely bring some new ideas and a fresh perspective to the org, in my opinion as a non-member, but one who would like to see it be very successful.

That's kind of my feeling also. Ron definitely has the drive and the passion for the industry.
I spoke with Ron this evening as well. It was a good conversation. He's got a lot of good ideas and seems to be very motivated.
If anyone can take the bull by the's Ron!
See Ron Run

I think Ron seems like a motivated, interested kind of guy. I don't think many could argue that he was unqualified, and he has a gift for asking the right questions.

Will this keep your interest, Ron, if you win a seat? Are you ready for the scrutiny? Will you be open and ready to listen up as well as speak out? Can you deal with the 20% that will occupy 80% of your time?

I remember a great quote from a senior Teamster steward: Leading working men is like herding cats, only without the obvious rewards.;)

Good luck if you do run, I'm sure many will be interested in the outcome.
Ron I believe you would do an outstanding job on the BOD. I know if some things were corrected in the org, I'd be much more inclined to be involved again. GO FOR IT!

After some thought, I not sure i would be a positive BOD member. I believe the direction that we are headed is wrong.

They BOD feels that BBS are not usefull and have no purpose. Yey more than 50% found the PWNA through the NET.

These are the kids or things I do not stand for.

I will also not be told that I cannot particapate in threads that get opionionated. They have ask the BOD members to stop posting. this is a regular what i may call control.

This is not and attack but facts that are wrong with the PWNA.
Ron Musgraves said:
I believe the direction that we are headed is wrong.

Well, THERE'S a mouthful! They are clearly biting the hand that feeds them if they are not careful. The internet........this bbs, among others, is critical to the future success of that organization and deep down they know it.

I hope they see the light before its too late.
They are clearly biting the hand that feeds them if they are not careful.

If the PWNA needs direction it is only as far away as the nearest Graduate Business School. Temple University has programs to help aspiring groups reach their goals. The locl colleges can be a great source of information. Also loot to Seniors Centers, retired Executives want something else in their lives beside BINGO.