Can a State's leadership be more ignorant?

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
OK, right now California is flat broke and has been paying people with IOU's.

But yet, they still find more ways to screw the people of the state. Being a proponent of states rights, under normal circumstances I couldn't care less what they do, but they are on the verge of a bailout just like the auto companies, so that makes it my business, too.

So now they are going into the more conservative areas outside the large cities and forcing "green" construction on them also. This has nothing to do with conserving energy and everything to do with "changing behavior" or the populace. It's right there in the article.

There are NUMEROUS excess costs involved in this LEED certification including inspections and government fees.

I'm involved first hand in this. The air fitration is only a small part of it, but here are some of the costs.

LEED certification requires MERV 14 filtration. Merv 6 filters (which filter AC units more than adequately) can cost as little as $3.00. MERV 14 filters are between $39 and $100......Each. The MERV 6 are changed quarterly for an annual cost of $12. The MERV 14 are changed annually along with the required MERV 6 prefilters behind them for a total cost of $51-$112/yr.......EACH.

Some buildings we service have as many as 174 filters

Adequate filtration - $2088 per year.

LEED filtration - $8874-$19488 per year

As an added bonus, that OVER filtration is hard on the equipment and causes more frequent breakdowns. It also uses more energy to pull air through the fans (energy efficient???? morons.)

All this LEED stuff is an offshoot of the environmental police trying to "change behaviors". It's defies all common sense, but looks good to the news reporters.

Ok, off the soapbox and back in the trenches.:wave2:
I tried to tell my conservative friends of the liberal lunacy they would get when electing The Governator! Tom McClintock was our only hope, and I'm afraid that it is just too late for this state.

People in gov't are flat out morons, period. Their religion is liberalism, tree-hugging and gaining power over people's lives. And what do we do? Elect more of them based on Hope and Change and diversity. Stupid! We get everything we deserve.

I just wish I could find a way out of this state.
The worst part is the feds will step in and bail CA out. Reward stupid behavior over and over. CA has a 58% deficit. Indiana has about 2%. With a $1 billion rainy day emergency fund held back.

So the the taxpayers in states that show fiscal responsibility get to pick up the tab for the left coast.

CA's deficit includes $4 million in police overtime just for Michael Jackson's funeral. Billions for illegal alien health care and college education for them too. It's completely out of control.
I tried to tell my conservative friends of the liberal lunacy they would get when electing The Governator! Tom McClintock was our only hope, and I'm afraid that it is just too late for this state.

People in gov't are flat out morons, period. Their religion is liberalism, tree-hugging and gaining power over people's lives. And what do we do? Elect more of them based on Hope and Change and diversity. Stupid! We get everything we deserve.

I just wish I could find a way out of this state.

Ant, towns like yours are the ones getting screwed. It's LA, SD and SF that run the show. Take a look at the county red and blue voting maps.

Threre's only so much you can do in a town like yours. You are shut out because LA thinks smaller towns don't know anything.
Yeah, there have been ballot measures brought forth to re-district California. If that were to happen, this would turn into a red (conservative) state, believe it or not. Don't hold me to it, because I ususally don't pay too much attention when they are talking about it, because I know it will never happen, but they say that more people actually vote republican here. How the state is broken up though, it gives all the power to the liberals, thus we have a screwed up state.

Just when you think they finally learn their lesson in Sacramento of how their stupid pie in the sky liberal ideas don't work, they go and do something like this. It's sad really.

When we do the same thing over and over and expect a different result, we are called insane, but when they do it, they're somehow smarter than us.