business insurance


Is there a way to find out if the business is issured, without asking them. I kno sounds sneaky tired of people saying they own a powerwashing business and they don't have insurance. Some of you might say they will come an go. I guess I hate people getting lied too, it just happen to a friends relative in another state.

Why be sneaky about it, Its your money, Its your home or what ever, so why beat around the bush... If you bought a t.v. would not ask for warranty papers or would you just leave it at that and not know...

When it comes to insurance, people just need to ask for a certificate of insurance. The people that have one will be more than happy to get one for a potential customer.

I carry mine with me and offer it up front along with a copy of my business license.

There is no question about am I insured and it does help get the accounts.
I guess I will restate the question as a business owner how can I find out if Joe Blow has insurance? I agree with you all about asking for it at time of estimate. I guess I am tired of people saying that they are in business and don't have any business insurance. Where and how can you find out if a person has business insurance without asking them???

I have found that if you give a proof of insurance without having them ask that they are more impressed and if they have other estimates that the proof of insurance can make them lean your way. I also tell them that it is easy for someone to say they have insurance and they should make them prove it. I also tell them to feel free to call to make sure it is valid.
I think Charlie wants to find out if a competitor has insurance.
Charlie if what Grant says is true why would you even care about a competitor being insured?

It is what you can offer and do that they cannot offer or do that is important.

I know many of my competitors are not insured and do I care, nope not one iota.