

New member
I am going to sit in on a BNI meeting Wednesday and was wondering. If anyone is a member or has been a member and there thoughts and coments on joining one of these.
I was in BNI for about a year. It was good, but not perfect. I think the meetings have to much filler. If they were shorter and more to the point I would probably have stayed longer. Too much time spent talking about favorite hobbies and backgrounds, etc.

I would recommend joining and giving it a try. If your chapter has people from similar fields, it seems to work much better. I made some great connections and it was well worth the investment. I just couldn't do it forever! Make connections with the people in similar trades first. Plumbers, landscapers, painters, etc. will all be able to easily trade business with you. I even met a few PMs through BNI, although none were actually in the group. If there is a PM in the group, join for sure! BNI members tend to be very loyal to everyone else in the group.
I've heard conflicting stories about BNI.
I know you can go to 2 meeting as a guest. Go check it out. Take alot of biz cards with you.
I've been to a couple different chapters as a guest. Attendence is mandatory or at least very strict.
I couldn't commit the time every week, but my neighbor loves it.
The attendance thing is tough. My chapter met in the mornings right during my busiest hours of the day. My phone was always ringing with emergencies during the meeting. That made it kind of difficult. I was always running out of there instead of hanging out and networking.

Check out Power Core. There are groups in your area. Their website will have all the teams listed along with their locations. I have never belonged to BNI but we have former BNI members on our PC team and they prefer the PC format better. Doesn't hurt to check out all your options.
I washed two centers this week, one on Sunday night and one last night. I went to bed last night after 3:00 am and got up at 5:30 to make my networking group this morning. It is tough for a small business to make the attendance requirements. Power Core allows you to send a substitute in your place without being counted absent. I wish I could have set that up for this morning, I'm tired.
Thanks for all the input guys, I will be on the same schedule tonight Doug. To bed at 3 and up at 5!
I went to a BNI meeting this morning. You guys are right too much filler and I was waiting for someone to offer me an AMWAY product:eek:. 100.00 new member fee and 330.00/yr membership no PM's, there is a real estate agent, home inspector, appraiser, a guy that bought a wood renew franchise, web solutions guy, the rest were finance,insurance,etc. About 20 total members, and ya'll are right they are very loyal to one another. I think I'll give it a try.
It's networking and I know its an old saying but its true "you get out of it what you put into it" I am a member of NAA, HBAL, BBB, 3 diff. CoC, Rotary Int., and looking to join the CAI . . .I love networking and I have had great returns from it. I budget for 3k for networking groups . . If all you do is send out a mailer or just go to meetings its not enough . .. I try to plan at least 10 hours a week for networking stuff such as meeting, stopping by other members offices and such.

here are some numbers to prove to you its worth it . . .
Just from rotary alone I spent right at $600 last year but i received:
1) A $1200/month lawn care account
2) $2900 in pressure washing work
3) $800 in roof cleaning
4) and close to $400 for odd jobs like leaves, aerating and such

so that over 12G's in work . . .for a $600 investment
that's a 2000% ROI for the cash invested over 7 months!!!!

So the question is not is BNI worth joining its can you join BNI and work it?
Exactly DJ. I belong to two networking groups in my area.
Almost every member is the owner or decision maker for their company.
So I'm not only networking with them, I'm networking indirectly with
their employees also.

It's a win/win.
I'm lost...What is BNI? How do I get involved in networking in my area (upstate SC)? Someone referred me to this site and I'm still trying to figure it all out. Is there another Round Table event coming soon?
BNI does allow subs anytime you want. Sometimes there are people that can't get in because there is already a member there from their occupation. These people love to go and will sub for you quite a bit.
BNI = Business Network International.
Something might help is, go to your local Chamber of Commerce and talk with them. Ask if they know of any other networking groups in your area.