Birds Of Feather Stick Together!

Looked out my door saw these three Cranes walking across the street, Mother, Father & Baby. They live here in the development which is very rare. We are not alowed to feed them it is against the law in Florida. They seem happy wandering around are not afraid of people.


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Are they Sandhill cranes?

Douglas Hicks
General Fire Equipment Co of Eastern Oregon, Inc

We had some here in Kentucky also.

Thought it was kind of neat to see something like them
in our back yard until they started eating the fish out
of the goldfish pond. Wife checked and they are protected..

Kill one and the Feds will want to talk to you ;)

They cleaned us out but have not been back for a couple
of years now.
Is there not some law or rule saying you have the right to protect your property from them?

I doubt allowing them to eat your gold fish is feeding them but they have destroyed your property and you should be reimbursed for that.

Hey fair is fair even if they are lovely birds to watch. I would not want them wondering around my yard if I could not at least chase them out.

Heck here we have a RAT, yeah a RAT that is protected by Federal law and has all but prevented industry from building on land owned by private people.

Yea Joh:

They said I could run them off
( Which my wife did )
and they would reimburse me because I could not protect my property without breaking the law.

However I have a feeling that I could spend a year in jail and not lose as much time as I would filling out the paper work to get my money.

The State Rep she was talking to worked at one of the State's Fish Hatcheries.. Said they had the problem all the time...

Me, the way I figure it, is that if I am playing with my bow-arrow and some stupid bird flies in font of my target.. Well, I can't help it. Know what I mean VERN????