Are we skilled workers


New member
Do you consider powerwashing a skilled trade,
A semi - skilled trade?
A vocation?
Or something else?
Or does it matter as long as im taking money to the bank.
To do the job properly, and not mess things up, YES you have to be a "skilled worker". Unfortunately there are a LOT of unskilled workers in the PW industry, we call them HACKS. :)
i have learned it is most definitely a skilled job and if you want to be prosperous learn as much skill as you can!!!!!

2 entries found.

skilledskill[1,intransitive verb]

Main Entry: skilled
Pronunciation: \ˈskild\
Function: adjective
Date: 1552
1 : having acquired mastery of or skill in something (as a technique or a trade) <skilled in the art of negotiation>
2 : of, relating to, or requiring workers or labor with skill and training in a particular occupation, craft, or trade
synonyms see proficient

Merriam-Webster says your skilled:cool:
skill??? Pressure washing does not take any "skill" you just use a 0 deg tip at 4000psi on everything right?? lol
Skilled. I could not own and run a very sucessfull pw business if I was not skilled in what I do.