Announcing the next Maryland Chapter meeting on August 6th

Henry Bockman

Maryland Pressure Washing
Announcing the next Maryland Chapter Meeting on August 6th!

LET'S MEET and have a BLAST !!!

Our next meeting will be held on August 6th at 12 noon at the Rockville Izaak Walton League of America chapter house, located in Germantown, MD.

Directions can be found here:

If you know of any power washing contractors in the Maryland area invite them to come by forwarding this email to them!

We will have appetizers, drinks, demonstrations, guest speakers and more!

The meeting will be open to PWNA members with a small charge of $25.00 and non members for $35.00 to attend the meeting and cover the cost of your food, beverages and facility expenses.

Let's get together and talk about what is in store for our businesses in Maryland and find out how we can all make more money!

We will discuss:

Creating a networking program in Maryland and surrounding areas for members.

What is happening in PWNA and in the industry.

Updating the PWNA website and a possible Maryland chapter website.

A Technical Support program

Advertising possibilities for the Maryland Chapter to promote it's members.

The creation of the PWNA online Newsletter for our customers.

Putting a signup area on our personal websites for the newsletter.

PWNA recognition in our area, promoting our Chapter and it's members

Clean Across America projects in Maryland.

(If you need help finding a Clean Across America project in the Maryland area, please email me.)

After the meeting we can use the Trap shooting range for a friendly shooting competition, prizes will be awarded after the competition. Bring your own ammunition and clay targets or pay as you shoot, all are welcome to enter the competition and win prizes! For regulations and specifications read the range rules. For those of you that have your own shotguns make sure they meet the range requirements. All fire arms must be kept unloaded and in cases at all times when off the range. If you would like to use one of my shotguns or have any questions, please contact me at 301-353-9234