Adams jobs

I see the befores ,but where are the afters.
Are you trying to make me look bad?

HAHA thats ok Adam,I can pretty will picture the after...I'm just glad to see you post the pictures,,,I like seeing what other hy. eqt. powerwashers clean.Those graders can be some mean things to clean at times,I've washed a few.
Big Boy

I wash those graders and other Heavy stuff on the
weekends mostly, they keep me pretty busy when Im not doing
flat work. It sure is a pain in the butt, and I still havent found
a way to keep me and my eqpmt. from getting covered in grease.
Any secrets?

LOL,No not really but I do try to park in front or behind all hy. eqt. and not on the side.I think if you parked your rig in one state and washed hy.eqt. in another state you'll still blow some that grease on your rig.I could tell by the picture of the grader that you have your hands full in washing grease but I like washing hy. eqt..I have alot of work in hy. eqt. matter of fact I could stay busy washing hy. eqt. right now b/c they is a bypass going around our town and the other end is not every far off but stay busy enough without it.For the last two days I have not washed my rig after washing hy. eqt. and you should see it,muddy and greas-E,I'll wash it sometime today but will have to start out with a dirty rig this morning,have two 2 hour jobs to be done as soon as possible,one of those be here by daylight thingys..............C-ya