About Business Card, Please I need Help.


New member
Please make some comment in that card.
Whats the most effective business card base on your experience. What else I can write or what should I deleted? I will give that card just to commercial places.
feb 21.png

(Btw I'm not sure, can some one can tell me is that sounds stupid:
"PWNA, F64 & IICRC Cert Tech. Fully Insured & Bonded" May be is there any some thing else I can replace that. Where ever I'm people care so much about license.)
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Keep it simple on the front . Name contact info. List services on the back of the card if you want to list them. People don't bother reading cards that are too busy. Also, get magnet cards in addition to the regular ones. They do wonders for repeat business and referrals.
I agree with Larry. Keep the front simple and get what you do on the back. Hand them the card back up. They will turn it over for your contact info but at some point will take the minute to read the back.
Simple is good, bright colors to stand out, list of services on the back or a coupon I heard works well. Order some magnetic one and stick them on your truck and trailer so people walking by in parking lots and when you are at the back of a house they can grab one. Works good to stick on commercial metal doors, etc.
Way, way too busy on the front of the card.

I would remove most of that stuff and put it on the back if it is really needed, honestly, how many people out there will know some of those abbreviations? NONE

I would put what is important to customers on the card, not what you think or other friends think is important as the customers will be calling you for work, not you or your friends. Not trying to sound harsh but this is a part of marketing and people need to know what you do but not all the technical stuff or all the extra letters or names you want to put on the card.

If every customer you have is asking if you are licensed, I would have it on the back with your license number, and list some of the other services you do, not every service you do and the other gibberish does not really matter to people.

I agree with the other guys, have Keith design a professional card for you, he has done great work for me over the years with different cards and postcards.