A Message from Carrie Fisher, Grandmom and SoZo


New member
I was watching Carrie Fishers autobiography last night and near the end she said something that rang so true to me it ran over into conversations this morning with the family.

She said a point to live by was "resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for someone else to die"

This is something I think we can all relate too and through my conversations with Morgans' Grandmother she explained that that statement is exactly what is explained in the teachings of Jesus. That forgiveness and hate are both catalysts that lead to similar results of that catalyst. That forgiveness is healing and deliverance and that resentment opens a door to allow more negative thought in. That when you hate someone you only harm yourself and the other that is hated is unaffected by such hatred.

Now I am not one who goes around professing the faith. My beliefs lye solely on the positive and negative affects of human behavior. But she told me of an interesting prayer group that does healing prayer that she attends. It is called the sozo prayer healing and it focuses exactly on this. It is a method of creating forgiveness in people and accepting peoples faults. Groups of total strangers converge in these groups in order to reach the common goal of deliverance from hatred.

On this cusp of the new year I hope that those who want to achieve positive things can remember this quote from Carrie and this group that goes out of their way to help others let go of negativity.

Remember that a positive attitude is a catalyst that can help people achieve things beyond the norm on a daily basis.

The next time you are speaking to strangers who's faces you can not see on the web, ask yourself am I writing a positive statement or a negative one. Am I harboring resentment or creating enthusiasm?

Now I must play in the snow
Have a happy day and keep your heads up in the darkness of winter. It is humanity that brings light to the darkness of winter and I have seen people shine the brightest in the darkest time. Shine today with a smile on your face and remember that what people really want is to be happy and to be joyous with others.
I am a huge Star Wars fan, saw each movie a lot of times when they came out in the 70's and 80's then when they were re-made with better technology.

I hear what you say about the forgiveness thing, it sounds very interesting.

Tell me more about it either here or pm me or email me.
