A little reminiscing

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
A little reminiscing


The old BBS, I had a lot of fun on this bb and its still up, just thought I tell others in case they wanted to view some old post in the old style forums.

I was recalling a post by Jim & Shirley when they had that terrible accident. I remember Scott closing my record breaking post on some situations that we where having. I think that posts still holds the record. I only knew it was a record because Craig had the old record and told me I beat him. LOL

I remember battles with Aran services. I invited him to the bb the other day maybe he will except. I hope he did have some great ideas. Marketing, I like his popcorn thing.

I have some history here as many do, I have not been around that long only a few years. I do feel that we have grown and learned from our experiences. I’m in hopes that we may all grow and keep learning to make the industry what it should be and that we all prosper.