5.5 gpm or 4 gpm? anyone with experience on residential water supply issues


New member
I'm on the fence about getting a 5.5gpm machine over a 4 gpm. I do 98 percent of my business residentially and was wondering if anyone has had issues with water supply from the homeowners hose bib. I have a 325 gallon tote but do not have a trailer or the money to buy one anytime soon. So what percentage of your jobs do you think have had an issue with supply? Also, how much higher does a 5.5 gpm machine reach softwashing vs. a 4 gpm roughly?
I just went from a 4gpm to a 5.5 and haven't had any problems yet. I don't think you will have any problems. I was at a job on Saturday that I had to pull water from the lake. That was with a rigid sump pump and a 100 feet of hose. I was able to do it, Just barely but the rigid kept up.
Most folks are okay with letting you use their water for cleaning ... only problem I can foresee you maybe running into is working with real estate companies, where they want you to clean a house that has no running water. We almost ran into that but the agency never accepted our bid (I wonder if that was the reason why). Don't have too much experience between 4GPM and 5.5GPM (wonder if it's the same as going from a V6 Engine to a V8 Engine).
I just went from a 4gpm to a 5.5 and haven't had any problems yet. I don't think you will have any problems. I was at a job on Saturday that I had to pull water from the lake. That was with a rigid sump pump and a 100 feet of hose. I was able to do it, Just barely but the rigid kept up.

Alright, so i'll prob go with the 5.5 I could possibly get the tote in my truck and my power washing stuff as well if need be i'm sure. I really like the idea of pulling from the lake, thats awesome. I'll keep that trick in mind. Junker1 do you softwash? and if you do, did you see a difference in how high you can shoot ?
yes I soft wash. I do not own a soft wash system I just don't use to much pressureIMAG0892.jpg I did this house on Friday and didn't once touch a ladder. my shooter tip gets me about 35 to 40 feet. I really cant remember the difference from my 4gpm machine and this 5.5 gpm machine for distance. but for time washing there is a huge difference between the 4 and 5.5. definitely go with the 5.5
Get the 5.5gpm and run a buffer tank. Half of my jobs so far this year have had pressure issues and that tank has saved my @ss. We've done a lot of jobs with well water, all you need is somebody doing laundry and taking a shower at the same time and you have 2gpm tops. I've had a 35 gallon tank down pretty low a few times.

Tank and plumbing is $150 tops... You know how much a pump costs.
Awesome, ill definitely take your advice and go with the 5.5 although i'm a little skeptical cuz the psi is only 2500 which im sure is enough but seems low. Its an eagle series belt driven 5.6 gpm 2500 psi- $1650 from powerwashstore.com
Which machine is only giving 2500psi? Not that you need it for a house, but concrete is a different story, especially if you're running 250' of hose.

For what it's worth we have a 4gpm 4000psi machine and we hate it, it just doesn't move enough water, we're wasting time rinsing. I may change up to a 8gpm next month with a different tank and use the 4gpm on a different trailer next year.
so you only run a 35 gal buffer? i still dont know how to attach a float valve to a buffer although i'm assuming its covered somewhere on this forum. A pump is something i never want to have to replace
Which machine is only giving 2500psi? Not that you need it for a house, but concrete is a different story, especially if you're running 250' of hose.

For what it's worth we have a 4gpm 4000psi machine and we hate it, it just doesn't move enough water, we're wasting time rinsing. I may change up to a 8gpm next month with a different tank and use the 4gpm on a different trailer next year.

The 5.6 gpm is the 2500, the 4 gpm is 4000. I do minimal flat work but would like to be able to run a surface cleaner easily. I figured 1.6 gpm more per minute would trump more psi because 2500 is still quite a bit of pressure especially if you have more water volume than a 4 gpm, or am i crazy?
I would go with the 5.5 gpm. I would save up to get a trailer or a truck to transport your water tank. You will eventually run into a property that has no water. Most water supply should support 5.5 gpm. Until you get something to transfer your water, I would test the water supply when you do the estimates if you can, then you will know which machine you need for the job. Most the work I do now is truck washing, I need more gpms and less pressure for that. Until I get that, I rely a lot the right chems for the job. Hope this helps.

Todd McCown
Pressure Pros
(210) 913-9457
With residential you just never know what kind of pressure they will have.

I have run into new houses that barely had any flow and old houses that would supply for 2 machines running and vice-versa, even on commercial properties so you just never know. I always check the water flow when looking at a job so I know what I am getting into.

The 5.5 @ 2500psi is a different pump and it is over $1000 cheaper than the usual 5.5gpm at 3000 or 3500psi.

A lot of guys use the 4gpm@4000psi for washing houses and concrete, it is a very popular machine. I have never had one to use or try out so I don't know much about them.

You really don't need much pressure if you are downstreaming house wash mix, sometimes you need a little bit more pressure on concrete but sometimes you run into weak concrete where even 2500psi will shave the cream off the top. For that machine it is a good price for what you get.


You can save up some more and get the regular 5.5gpm at 3000psi machine and have the best of both worlds.
The 5 or 5.5 rinses better than the 4 and shoots a little higher. I use 5@3500 and 4@4000 with no buffer tank Rarely have problems. I don't bid jobs where I have to haul water because they are rare.
Before you purchase, find out if they will pull from a tank as some will not, some will only run with a garden hose connected to it. This might matter if you are going to have it pull from a tank.