130 year old asbestos shingles


New member
I had a photo I wanted to post but I guess it's too large of a file (1.93 mb) or something. If someone can give me a clue on how to post it, I'd love to do it.
But I was wondering if anyone had come across such a thing. This roof is at least a 14/12 with asbestos shingles that are a bit over due for a cleaning and have rust stains to boot.
This is a friends house that I've been working on since the 80's so he's willing to let me play... I mean experiment. I seriously doubt that I'll ever see another one like it but I would like to do him a good job. The shingles are in very good condition.
As some of you know... I'm a percarbonate user at present but have been looking into the NO PRESSURE method. I have purchased today... the ingredients to make Apple Sauce. Hope 10% SH is good enough. So what would one suggest to clean these.
Mesothileoma, I like my lungs
Asbestos is only a danger to you when it's "worked" up. Spraying a solution onto the shingles will not be a danger to you.
As for the Applesause, make it a 50/50 between the chlorine and water and the rest the same. Apply it and let time do the rest.

Would be nice to see pictures though.

I'm not about to scrub them. Besides, I see the no pressure guys wearing respirators.
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Yes, the smart guys do wear respirators. But they are rated for chlorine gas. If you are concerned about the asbestos, get one that will suit your needs. Maybe they have canisters that will cover both issues for you.

I'm trying to get the pics on Jeff, waiting on some help with that. I've tried several times but the file is too big... whatever a file is :mad:
I have not had good results cleaning asbestos shingle roofs w/o pressure!
Yes they "clean up" sort of - but I seldom find myself happy with the outcome.
This one is a STEEP roof to boot!
I would do a test spot to SEE if the customer will accept the results ?
Thanks for the help guys, there is a spot on the back side of that dormer that I can test on. I'm afraid pressure would disturb the asbestos so I guess he will be happy with what I can do. I'm not always as happy with the results as my customers though. I point out things sometimes I shouldn',t but that's the craftsman in me.
With hat steep of a roof, It would suit you to bag the gutters. Take plastic trash bags and wrap them around the gutters (so the gutters empty into the bag) and secure it with duct tape, velcro or blue painters tape. It will collect the extra run off you get from the pitch of the roof. Also, add more soap to your mix for extra cling and a longer dwell time, giving you a better clean and using less chemicals.

As for the asboestos shingle, we've never come across one.
WOW,...that is a steep roof. mix hotter than my original recommendation,...
60/40. Use the Apple cider recipe in the rest of the mix according to your total mix in gallon. The added alcohol works faster than the original Applesauce (at least for me it seems to). Fortunately it's doesn't look like there any lichen or moss, at least on that side. It may take 3 applications because of the pitch, and like Scott said,..add more soap for cling, but not so much that it won't shoot far enough. But you should be able to get good results. And after a few rains it should be good. Also as mentioned above,...there's gonna be major runoff so take measures to deal with that.
