Your Opinion About Ohio State vs Florida ?

I believe Florida is the better team.

But I also think the biggest difference was a combination of Ohio State's over confidence and Florida's better game plan.

Stay safe,
Me too Chuck.
You could see the look of shock on the Buckeye's faces.
It was akin to the look on Mike Tyson's face when Buster Douglass knocked his butt out, disbelief.

Hey, off this topic, if you would ever like a roof cleaning article for Cleaner Times, just let me know ?

OSU looked terrible....whether it was Ginn, the lay-off, I dunno, but it was shameful. Okay, here's a fair criticism from where I sit. I'm a Midwest guy...Big12 fan. Our teams run from TX up to NB, CO, IA. Stating that, to set the groundwork for my argument and I don't want to be called biased.

Here is the thing I HATE about the major bowl games. They always put a Michigan/OSU/NB vs. FL, ALA, FSU, MIAMI, etc. Point is, usually ends up being a "north vs. south" game. That's great. BUT.......the venue is always Florida, California, Arizona, and all of these other warm-weather areas. Michigan, Nebraska, teams like that have to play a different style of football throughout the year because most of their games are playing in cold, miserable environments. Teams in the South are used to playing in the warmer weather and opening their game up a little more.

I think this is a huge handicap to the coldclimate teams. Not to whine; sure, Nebraska may go play in TX, or visaversa. The difference is, that is FAIR. It changes year-to-year. The bowls never change. If they were in the South one year, the North the next year, I'd say "great". But the way it is currently set up is a major advantage to the Southern teams.
The Bowl games are HUGE revenue producers for the areas that sponsor them. Unfortunately, the revenues come from tourists, and as tough as it may be, those tourists, that make the bowls viable are far more willing to come to Phoenix and San Diego in january than to Detroit, or Cleveland. That is just the way it is.
As for the game, I only got to watch the first half. I have to admit that I wanted Florida. I do think that the differences were in the talent on the field. It is curious but the only coach that favored Florida when polled was the coach that had played both teams. To me that is kind of telling. The other stuff is good for a few points, but the defeat was far from just a layoff.
USC should have won that game.
Jon Fife has a great point, many big 10 and big 12 teams are made for cold weather, slush it out games, where power football rules.

Playing a speed team, on a warm weather speed friendly field, doesn't seem fair.

IF the Big 10 and Big 12 teams were to switch to a speed type player, and trickery, better suited for warm weather bowl games, they might not win their divisions to get there ?

The answer ?

Play ALL College Football games indoors, build dome's for every team.
Fife I was not offended, sorry I came across that way. I'm a Georgia fan and if my buddies new that I was sticking up for Florida I would be stoned.

LOL, man you don't even know!! I went to college in TN and lived there for awhile after completion......if you ever want to learn to truly hate a team or a conference, just move to where it is located:) My friends were all UT fans, and I've had more arguments like this than I could ever hope to count. I've witnessed at least two fist-fights between very close friends for heckling the other after their team lost. I guess one redeeming factor of where I went to school was that it was private, so there were several students from many lots of GA, LSU, OSU, MU, ND, FL, ALA fans. Another----two good friends (had apts. next to each other) got in a fistfight, one an OSU fan, the other a UT fan. A late night argument about "whether or not Phil Fulmer is a great coach" ended in a fight. They were all alone chatting---the fighting woke one of their roomates. These weren't drunken fights to impress girls or anything like that.
USC should have won that game.

USC already had lost to Ohio, and Boise state had a better record. They could have easily made a case that they had a right to be there.
well as far as i can see i would say that you have a good point ..... it would be cool for the BCS (BUDDY CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES) to have the games in the area of the team with the better record ie. home team advantage (but that would mess the BCS up ....... wow then the playoff would come into effect ..... now thats an idea !!!!!

USC already had lost to Ohio, and Boise state had a better record. They could have easily made a case that they had a right to be there.
Yes, Boise State should have had a co championship!