You want change? Try these ideas

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
Limit congress from serving more than 2 terms. That is all that presidents are allowed

Stop congress from voting for their own raises. How the hell did that ever get started?

Stop paying for lawmakers high priced insurance premiums. After all they are only part time employees. They might pass some law changes on the insurance companies, if they had to find one.

Stop paying lawmakers their full salary after seving just 1 term, or at retirement. we need to get rid of that pension plan; they've let other companies get rid of theirs. You were lucky to get 40 to 50% of your salary after working somwhere for 35 years, but they get 100%.

Make congress pay into the SS system. They make laws for it. If they spent some of their own money, they might be interested in making it solvent.

Stop handing out aid to illegal aliens. if we did, then medicaid and the food stamp program would have enough money to aid the aged and the poor.


Stop allowing babies born to illegel aliens in the USA automatic U.S. citizenship, Hell my parents and grandparents had to bust their ass here to prove their worth. They were not a drag on our country, instead they help build it.

Stop the abuse of our benevolent welfare system. We feed children free meals 3 times a day until they are 17. Churches give away good clean clothes. Companies buy and donate school supplies. Emergency rooms provide health care at taxpayer expense and the food stamp program is buying food at home. What are parents doing for their children?

Have a computer program that cross checks SS numbers with fingerprints to stop fraud on many fronts. Use it on voter registration, too.

Stop bailing out mortgage companies and banks that give loans out to people who cannot afford them.

Stop companies from paying CEO's and other executives outrageous salaries and bonuses while doing away with worker's pensions.

Stop all unnessasary spending so we will have the money for our nation's security, and to help needy and elderly Americans.

Stop permitting anyone to have a photo with their face covered up on their drivers licenses, i dont give a flyin S**T what your religion says, you live here now and this is the way we do it here in AMERICA!!!

It dosent matter who is the President, they wont be able to make these changes. Only members of Congress can do this, as they are the lawmakers. I don't believe Congress is intrested in changing anything, do you? :mad:
nick, you should run for office. all good points. maybe send obama some ideas. i'm sure he's gonna be sweatin during his first 100 days to make good on those campain promises

Like i said, telling Obama would do nothing. Congress is in charge!!
The bad thing is a lot of the citizens think those are radical ideas! When they are just good common sense.

I guarantee ALL of the founding fathers would have covered all these problems had they thought they needed to. I'm sure they never thought America would put up with all this crap. They never dreamed anyone would make a career out of being a politician.

Nick I'll handle your Midwest campaign office. There are more of us than you think.
The bad thing is a lot of the citizens think those are radical ideas! When they are just good common sense.

I guarantee ALL of the founding fathers would have covered all these problems had they thought they needed to. I'm sure they never thought America would put up with all this crap. They never dreamed anyone would make a career out of being a politician.

Nick I'll handle your Midwest campaign office. There are more of us than you think.

You got it brother!! after all it is just common sense. Something this Government lost a long time ago.
Excellent platform. Looking for your name on the ballot in 4 years.

I love your ride, the Road Glide is Harley's best kept secret. I had one a few years back, great touring bike.;)
One idea that would save the government millions
you want Free money, take a piss test
Stop companies from paying CEO's and other executives outrageous salaries and bonuses while doing away with worker's pensions
Pretty good except for that one. I dont want the government telling me how much I can or can not make.
Thanks. Bought that Road Glide a couple years ago. I've been riding for 30 years, and now that I'm officially "old", I can now justify the bagger. I've never owned a bike that I've enjoyed as much or nearly as comfortable as the Road Glide.

I started riding when I was 10, started racing at 14, had my 1st professional sponsorship at 15, was full pledged sponsored by Team Husqvarna in 1975 at the age of 16. Motocross has come a long way since back then. If I could of made the $$$ the team riders make these days, I might of pursued it as a career.

I love your ride, the Road Glide is Harley's best kept secret. I had one a few years back, great touring bike.;)
Thanks. Bought that Road Glide a couple years ago. I've been riding for 30 years, and now that I'm officially "old", I can now justify the bagger. I've never owned a bike that I've enjoyed as much or nearly as comfortable as the Road Glide.

I started riding when I was 10, started racing at 14, had my 1st professional sponsorship at 15, was full pledged sponsored by Team Husqvarna in 1975 at the age of 16. Motocross has come a long way since back then. If I could of made the $$$ the team riders make these days, I might of pursued it as a career.

Cool Bean's!!
How about getting rid of $170 Million Dollar Inaugurations and while we are in a crisis and the worse part is the Carbon foot print it leaves :eek: I mean the sky is falling and now we do this to the environment WTH are they thinking, we will have global warming by the day after with this kind of carbon foot print :D
All good points!!