You Tube Video helping with sales in Florida

As of May 18th 2008 my You Tube video hit the World Wide Web. Since then I have added it to my web site, flyer's, and used it in all my signatures ranging from these boards to all my on line ads as well as local paper ads. Each time I talk to a potential customer on the phone or in person I direct them to it. The You Tube video has actually done alot of my sales work for me. I have had many customers schedule work because they have seen the results in the video. We can all tell customers what great work we do until we are blue in the face but it is not until they see the results that they are truly impressed. Having the Video along with many before and after pics has really paid off. I just figured I would post this in case any of you were thinking of doing it and were not sure if the results would be worth it. As of today, Since May 18 th my video has received 1015 views which I think is incredable for a pwing video. It also comes up on many web searches for Pressure Washing and Roof Cleaning in Florida. It may not be the best video in the world but it has done pretty well for me. Has anyone else found that advertising like this has helped them?
Yea. I did the voice overs on mine, and when customers call they're like, "oh hi Scott, your the one in your videos??" I always like that because that means they watched the videos, liked them and still called me.
You did a really good job on the voice over Scott. It sounds very professional.
It's always nice when a customer calls and they are already impressed with your work...It's a Huge selling tool IMO...:)
Thanks Larry. Usually when they have watched the videos, they have already made up they're minds, unless we come in waaay over one of our competitors. But then we offer a 10% discount below what they charged (unless it doesnt make sense for us).

I think that everyone should have some kind of video on Youtube linked to they're website. It really bumps your exposure on Google because they own it. I also have a Myspace video, which is owned by google too.
Well it's been a little over 1yr and 4months since I first added my YouTube video to the Internet and all my links and it is still doing great. As of today I've gotten 3496 hits off of it. No 3400 were not mine. Hahaha! I know that some of you guys have got tons of you tube video's out there but I've only got the one and it has done wonders for my business. Customers always comment on it and it's closed a lot of deals for me.
Have any of you seen where your you tube video's have helped your business for Pressure Washing and or Roof Cleaning?
That is great Larry!

Glad that your video is getting a lot of views and is helping to market your business.

I need to do one, hopefully soon.
Very nice video, Larry

I need to learn how to make one!
Wow, that's a lot of views. Have you done that check on it yet to see if they views are coming from direct links or if they are coming from searches?
:confused: Not sure how to do that with the video's Tony. I thought the only time it registered another hit that it was from people who actually opened it up. I've gotten a lot of work from it but I do know I haven't gotten 3500 from it.
Thanks Ron. Even as of today that same video is working strong. The video views are on the way to 10,000 hits. I STILL get compliments from customers and it has been a huge asset on the sales end.
After I saw this this morning I was messing around with my youtube chanell. Long story short.....My dumb ass deleted it. Great way to start my Monday. Now I gotta start from scratch again. I can use all the view I can get so if you would be so kind.....Please click and watch even a minute or so. This really sucks. It was ranking good on the first pages.... Arrrrg!!!!

Click here please: :thumbup2:
After I saw this this morning I was messing around with my youtube chanell. Long story short.....My dumb ass deleted it. Great way to start my Monday. Now I gotta start from scratch again. I can use all the view I can get so if you would be so kind.....Please click and watch even a minute or so. This really sucks. It was ranking good on the first pages.... Arrrrg!!!! .....

Click here please: :thumbup2:
