You Know The Competition Knows Who You Are When

They start dumping crap all over the properties that you clean. For the last month someone has been dumping crap all over certain properties that we clean and they know just where to dump stuff so we have to clean every inch of the place. They go to dark corners and dump out stuff and I mean all over so you have to blow out every inch of the place to get it cleaned up. This is not the first time I have seen it and I have it down to companies that might be doing it, well I know are doing it. They know where in town and can't stand to compeit with us on Quality or Price, IE mainly Quality as they do crappy work and loose the contract so they have to go aropund and sabitase your shopping centers to feel better about them selfs. Today it was Vacuum Cleaner Dumpings out of the car wash that is in this property and man that crap was everywhere and what a dusty mess.

I think if they took the time and energy and just did there job they would not loose contracts, But maybe thats just me and the way I think. I say put the effort in and do your job and show up atleast one or two times a week. Charging for work your not doing will get you fired every time or sooner or later. I had to get up at 3 am to go take pics of stuff they did last night and it should not be this way and I would never do it to anybody else, so I'm kind of Miffed today with this PETTY CRAP. OH I feel better now that I could get this out.
Anybody ever have this happen to them? it truley sucks it should not happen but this world is a Screwy Place now days.
When everyones coming after you, you know your doing something right!
Sorry to hear of this TLC. I just don’t understand people who behave in such a manner.
Any of the properties have cameras in the areas they dumped? You may have to catch them in the act or have bulletproof evidence. That would surely put an end to their actions and possibly their business.
I will have to look but they went into VERY DARK Areas behind the Buildings to do this, I have seen this before from the company that I got this property from a few years back, but at that time they were throwing Roof Nails out in all the curb lines on about 4 or 5 of the properties we cleaned. I put knowing past these Dirt BAGS, they charge for cleaning and then never show up and wonder why the get canned, it is pure profit because they never spend a dime to clean the place but get paid to do it. Well if they have that much time on their hands they really need to clean the paces they get paid to do instead of messing with us. Soon the leafs will be all over the place as they are allready starting to fall and I hope that keeps them Buried in work but who knows it's the name of the game I guess when you take shopping centers from them.
I confess

It was me. I came to Vegas to visit, saw a great job done and just felt I had to do what I had to do.
David, Where do you work? :rolleyes: :D LOL
I will have to look but they went into VERY DARK Areas behind the Buildings to do this, I have seen this before from the company that I got this property from a few years back, but at that time they were throwing Roof Nails out in all the curb lines on about 4 or 5 of the properties we cleaned. I put knowing past these Dirt BAGS, they charge for cleaning and then never show up and wonder why the get canned, it is pure profit because they never spend a dime to clean the place but get paid to do it. Well if they have that much time on their hands they really need to clean the paces they get paid to do instead of messing with us. Soon the leafs will be all over the place as they are allready starting to fall and I hope that keeps them Buried in work but who knows it's the name of the game I guess when you take shopping centers from them.

Roof nails, thats playin real dirty, Are you running a front end sweeper or some kind of elecromagnetic pick-up for those nails? Blown tires aint no fun.
Well this was only Vacuum cleaning they got out of they 10 Vacuums here in the center, but it was a real mess and the thrid time in the last month or so. If I catch them they will be eating a Dust Sand for sure and maybe they can tell me what part of NV the dirt came from by the taste :D