Yet another Hurricane!


New member
This just arrived from a friend in FL.

The National Weather Service has issued a warning for yet another catastrophic hurricane following on the heels of Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne. The path of this hurricane zigs and zags and is therefore highly unpredictable. Experts predict that this one will cause the most damage to the United States than we have experienced in four years.
They are naming this one Hurricane Kerry. Be advised, the only way for citizens to protect themselves is by getting behind a Bush.
Have a great day!
Hmmm, waiting for one call on this one.

Kerry is all wind Jon-Why arn't you moving?
Jon said:
Watch out for the second wind of kerry, it has been known to lift a rear leg and piddle on bushes!

It depends on the weather for that Jon. This hurricane could turn around and go a totally different direction with out any notice. It reminds me of that story about the hurricane that ripped this guys tree out of the ground by the roots and came back around and lifted it back up when the winds shifted.