Would yo do it all over again?

With the current economic situation, would you do this business again?

  • Yes, in exactly the same way

    Votes: 43 66.2%
  • Yes, but I would have a different market

    Votes: 11 16.9%
  • Yes, But I would not have employees

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • No, It is harder than I thought it would be

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • No, there are too many nut case low ballers

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • No, IT is just too uncertain, now.

    Votes: 2 3.1%

  • Total voters

Scott Stone

New member
Here is the poll. I would prefer that only contractors in business for five years or more respond, especially the full time guys, because we are totally dependent on the success of our business.

Hello Scott,

I'm sure there would be many things that I would do different if I had to do it all over again. Of course now I would have the benefit of learning from my mistakes! :)

How about you Scott, what would you do differently?

Dave Olson
I would have researched it out more, When I started the internet was in its' infancy. I would have started washing instead of detailing. I am a much better washer than I am a detailer. I would have insisted on better equipment from the start. I would have researched possible markets more, There are a ton of things that I should have, could have and would have done. When I started I did not even know that people cleaned concrete.

Good Poll & Very Good Question. I've been thinking about the very same question alot lately. I'll answer as it relates to me.

27 years in the Pressure Washing Business, almost all of it fulltime.

1. Being Self Employed
2. Working Outside
3. And yes, the Money!! (But it doesn't happen overnight).

1. Very little time off, and if you have a family the effects of this are far reaching. Commercial Accounts tie you down worse than kids.
2. The work can be killer hard and unless you have good reliable employees, sooner or later you're body starts to say NO. I worked by myself for the first 10 years and that's when I was happiest.
3. The cost of doing business. But if done right the overhead can be held to fairly reasonable levels. Insurance companies aren't doing well in their Stock Market Investments these days so their rates are through the roof.
4. Lowballers, and yeah I believe that alot of those guys get their starts on the Internet. We don't need to rehash it but a guy named Cody covered it pretty good on here awhile back. As I recall it wasn't a very popular post but I thought he did a decent job on a touchy subject. If you've been in this business for awhile it's a fact of life, but who needs it?
5. EPA Rules & Regs.......Very important subject which can't be ignored (well, you can try). Kendra & I have talked at length about this. The California Rain Water Runoff Rule keeps my ass in a sling!! Has that one gone National yet?
6. Working for people who you constantly have to justify your prices to. I stopped working for people like that, and yes, I've had to bid and perform in order to keep the accounts that I have.
7. Watching good people with good famalies not being able to make it in this business.

So the specific question was "With the current economic situation, would you do this business again?" My answer is NO I wouldn't. Especially fulltime!!

If I was starting out today I'd sit at a computer all day with kibitz ON, and sell soap & supplies....There's more money in product, and you get to sleep in and stay DRY!!
I started in the wrong market and changed after tens years. I have always done flat work but was not geared to it solely like I do now.

So I would have done things different form the get go and I like the no employed thing on certain days.

I like your poll Scott, always getting us thinking.

Chucky great advice and answers.

I didn’t vote because I felt just one was not clear, beside on any given day I might have voted for any of them…LOL
I would have targeted more commercial and not wasted so much time on residential , I love the interaction with people at residential jobs but nthe commercial is way better money , anyway to answer the question , yes I love what I do and I dont see me doing anything else we are just now going in to our 13th year and no regrets
Same here Russ, I would have went after commercial right out of the gate!! But at one time or another i had a large mix of both, until everybody and thier mother got into it..now residential is almost a joke down here in the sunshine state.
Me too, I would have gone after my kind of work right off too. But I learned a whole lot going through the school of hard knocks, pressure washing homes and driveways taught me a lot

Me too I was scared of it from the start also didn't know what kind of equipment I should have had wish I would have found these boards alot sooner would have saved me some money and hardache
I'd do it almost exactly the same as I did 19 years ago.

The minor exceptions being:

I would not have sealed decks at all right from the start. I did that for the first 5 years and found that it was the most unprofitable service we offered. And nothing but a big pain in the neck..it's too dark, too light, not what i thought, blah , blah blah.

I would have went heavier on my yellow page ads from the start. We now have two 1/2 page full color ads in all 4 books in my area. One under roof cleaning and one under powerwashing.

I wish I had pick more honest and reliable suppliers than I started with.

I would have hired more employees sooner and expanded faster.

I love this buisness and get all revved up every day just knowing I'm going to have more satisfied customers today and again tomorrow.

How can you beat working outside every day, making people happy,having great employees and making great money at the same time.
I would do everything the same way , except I probably would have hired a CPA from the get go... Turbo Tax works great for me but going thru buying a house this year, it seems turbo tax has showed such a large deduction on things that I listed , and the way turbo tax has been duing my taxes .. It is not showin enough adjusted gross income... .. I was upset to find out that my mortgage company says I barley show enough adj gross income to buy a 60,000 house.. Made almost 98,000 last year with an adj gross of about 68,000... I think my mortgage agent is _____ me around because she isnt making alot off of the deal.. Sure I got bills and sure I got credit card bills and stuff but I always pay..
Anyway yes I would do everything else the same ... start out small with a few small accounts and do a really really good job an you will grow just like I did... When I first started this a friend told me you have to learn to crawl before you can walk... In less than one year I was walking ... and now many many years later I am running my a$$ off...
You know, life is sometimes good. I would not change my job for anything. Sure the hours are lousy, but the pay is good.

I started with 17,500 dollars. The first year I made 17,600. The next year I actually made a profit. Since then, I never looked back.

The best advise I could tell someone is you need a niche in this business, whether it is the low baller in the area or your a specialized cleaning company. You need to stand out. If you are offering the same service as the next guy, you are already paddling up the creek, however you do have a paddle.

Me personally, I prefer having a motor boat to go up the river. That would be my niche.

Thats my 2 cents :cool:
one thing about this poll is more guys should respond

Seeing as how I haven't gone full time in this business yet, don't know if I can contribute to the poll, however, In the 8 years I've done PWing off and on, I know I've learned a great deal from reading all of the veterans posts here.

My plan is to become the same professional PWing company that all of you guys are. I don't plan on being the lowballer, or the guy without insurance or the guy without the proper training, that's one reason I come to this Board. TO LEARN.

I have only recently started posting here, though I've been reading for years. I'm trying now to break into your ring of trust. I know that will only come with time. I plan to attend the RT's when I can and hopefully meet you guys personally, with that hopefully I'll develope and earn your trust.

With all this said and the current economy as it is, I'm still jumping into this fulltime in JUN, come hell or highwater. The economy will rebound, when???????...Who know's,but it's always been a roller coaster ride anyway.

In my opinion, you guys are successful because you had a Plan (more importantly, a Dream) and stuck with it. I was discussing this my dream with my 17 Y/o son just yesterday, when I was removing all my equipment from my trailer in an attempt to rebuild it for next year. I was worried about th economy and the possibily of not going fulltime. He reminded me I had a dream and I'd be a fool to give it up. Sometimes, our young are wiser than us.

SO I'm ALL IN this POKER GAME and I don't BLUFF



PS I've finally decided on a name for my business. Cape Fear PROWASH, look for a Website in the near future.
Love the biz but who wouldn't change a few things with a little hindsight. Hell looking back I should have bought the domain google.com for 10 bucks :) Just goes to show ya though everyone has thier own niche. We do very well in cleaning and sealing decks and thats 90% of our business from April 1st through November 1st.