WMG needs to die.

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
After waking up and finding 3 more of my videos with disabled audio I've made this little tribute to Warner Music Group.

Here is what they have been doing over the past few months:

Disabling the audio on all home videos of children singing songs they have the rights to
Disabling the audio on all videos of children or adults dancing with any of their music in the background
Disabling audio where children or adults are singing songs WMG has to copyright on (such as Happy Birthday)

There is a special place in hell for these people.

I just wish they would hurry up and go there.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/lXnkSXK3T6M&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/lXnkSXK3T6M&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Wow Tony, When are you going to say what is on your mind and quit candy coating everything?
LOL, not that young. I remember the incredible hulk. As I am typing this my son is excited because he sees "Hulk Smash" on the screen (The commercial for the new toy <I think> says Hulk Smash.)
Did I miss understand that post or are do they really have the copy rights to "Happy Birthday"? Does that mean that if someone is singing happy birthday that they disable the music?
Did I miss understand that post or are do they really have the copy rights to "Happy Birthday"? Does that mean that if someone is singing happy birthday that they disable the music?

Yes, that's exactly what it means.
That is crazy! I'm having trouble comprehending it.

This is where I think music has to go - The artists, from the biggest in the world to the smallest, sell their own music on their own website. No WMG, no Sony, No Itunes. As a fan I want to give my money right to the artist - but here's the kicker - The price for a cd - ONE DOLLAR! Whether your lincoln park or jayzee or whatever. If I could go to the website, download FAST and EASY, I would have thousands of albums, I would spend 10 times more money. When you hear that new song and you can get to your house and have their album 1 minute later for a buck Imagine how many would spend it. When you hear that old song that you liked but never got their album ... I have a plan to pitch to Google if anyone knows when they have their open door pitch event.
Do they have some kind of web crawler that finds songs, is it mainly youtube?

Boy I would love to see them go under just because of this!
I was wondering what was happening to all the youtube videos I have saved on my iphone and laptop not being able to be played anymore,it definately sucks ! It's one of the best things I like about the iphone (among about 50 other things).
The time has come to point out the insanity of the so called "artist" driven industry.

What about other artists? Sculptors? Architects?

When I went to Mt Rushmore I paid a fee to get close to it. I took pics in front of it. Do I owe the state everytime I show that picture to someone? It's insanity.

If I pay to go to a football game and I take video am I somehow "stealing" from the NFL if I take that video home and look at it or show it to my friends?

See how absurd the entire idea that "artists" MUST be paid all the time over and over again?

They've been pushing the idea so long they've just brainwashed people into believing it has always been like that and that is the only way it should be.

It's complete nonsense.

I understand that if someone makes a song and I want to own that song I should have to pay something for it.

But once I've paid for it, if I want to blast it from a bullhorn as I go down the street or if I want to put it on my videos or shove it up my arse there is no reason why I can't do it, IT IS MINE.

On the other hand, If I make a copy of a cd, slap a label on it and sell it, then I'm stealing. I'm taking away a potential customer from the "artist" by low-balling them using their own music. THAT is stealing.

If I want to use that music in my ADVERTISING I shouldn't have to pay a cent more than I paid just to buy the music. I'm not taking one single DIME of revenue away from the sale of that music!!!!

Once I've bought that music the ONLY way an "artist" or record label should be able to challenge my use of "their" music would be if I used that music to advocate something morally objectionable or illegal. Then it should be on a case by case basis.

For example if I put a po*no on with "Our God is an Awesome God" playing in the background, that would be grounds for an objection. It's just common sense.
America doesn't have any of that anymore.

How many of these idiots do we have to look at driving Ferraris and Bentleys living off the proceeds for the rest of their lives of ONE CRAPPY SONG that the radio stations were paid off to play OVER and OVER again until we were lulled into the idea that, "hey, that's kind of a catchy tune"?

Then, like the stupid sheep we are we go down to the store and buy it, play it for a week or so, then it sits in the glove box till we finally throw it out?

Yet they get paid over and over again.

I have a customer who's never done anything. He drives a Bentley. His grandfather wrote a Christmas song.


Is it RIGHT that generations grow up and do NOTHING because their grandfather came up with a catchy tune?

This is complete and utter insanity!!!

Thank you, I'll take my medicine now.
As the inventor of yellow cab I must ask you to remove your video from public view. If you do not comply appropriate action will be taken.