Wishing you a Happy New Year

Tonight will be our last work night of the year.

Will be doing a B/King. Hasn't been done in well over a year (should be done every 60-90 days)!

Nasty grease on the roof and the temps are going to be around 5 degrees without wind chill! Do we love this business or what! :eek:

Happy New Year Everyone!

Dave Olson
Happy New Year Everyone!
Beth & Rod
:) :)
Happy New Year to all and be safe. Enjoy what you have and be proud of your Country. We stand United. Also don't drink and drive because the boys will be out in full force tonight and you will get busted if you get caught so have a designated driver or stay home if you want to get drunk. Either way enjoy the New year.

Happy New Year Everyone I was talking to my nephew ealier and he said he was stopped for speeding today for going 32 in a 30 and was told that the whole state of TN was under a zero tollerance for the whole day meaning 30.5 in a 30 would have gotton him stopped. He knew the cop and he let him go but he said beware the whole state was doing the same thing with road blocks and all.