wish me luck guys!

El Flojo

New member
Setting up the estimate for a chain of stores In texas. On Monday i will meet up with the "honcho" and give him 2 prices. one for a quarterly cleaning and one for a bimonthly cleaning( @ his request) Its not a contract but the guy that is doing them screwed up all the concrete with what looks like turbo nozel swirlys all over (real deep). I told him i wasnt cheap, "that was the job you get going the cheap way". he said he didnt mind spending a lil more if it would look better. I had to lift his jaw up off the floor when i was done with my demo. the price im giving him is lower than my reg. rate. but its due to quantity and bi monthly service. I would be able to do about 3-4 stores a night.(solo) What Im asking is should I lower my rate by 30% to do them bi monthly? they only get tons of gum thats really all.Just looking to fill a few more nights a week thats all. thanks for you help
My thoughts may be different than most. If you have to cut your rate by 30% and your still making money and this will give you piece of mind that each month your bills will be paid than I say go for it.

My philosophy during tough times is make sure to cover your bills even at a discounted rate, once your bills are met than concentrate on making real money so that you can save and put money back into the business.

good luck let us know how it goes
There are times to get fat, and times to survive. You need to decide which type of time this is.
As for cutting your rate by 30%, that seems like there is a lot of fat there to be able to cut that much and still make money. I certainly would not cut it that much if you have already given the Honcho a price for another level of service. Maybe 10% is all I would cut.
The bills are paid no matter what, with my contract work. just looking to regularly fill a week or so of work for some growing money. have some other places like them that im going after but need to have a couple of chains under my belt. only have 2 small chains. this will be the biggest one. If i can do them all in 5 days it will be a good chunk of change;)
It's simple, if you are making your hourly rate, that is what matters. There are some houses that I could wash for $100.00 and do two an hour(if they were nearby each other). Is $100.00 too low for a house wash?

I figure a 20%-25% deduction for volume and regular cleaning,l but if 30% would land the job, then do it.
Mabey Ill do a 15% then if he says it will be bi monthly ill do it at 30%
If he wants them done quarterly then give him a small discount but if he wants them done monthly or bi-monthly then a little more of a discount as they will not get as dirty as waiting another month and once they are clean and you are just maintaining them then they should go a lot faster.

Good Luck.
my thoughts exactly Chris
This is why bidding is as much art as science! Maybe a little less discount on quarterly so there is more discount on every other month? Try for the 15 day service that Ron would sell them on? Figure you will continue to get faster and more efficient so keep the long term in mind.