Windows Vista


Man I really hate windows vista, This laptop is driving me nuts... I went and bought it with 512mb of ram which was not near enough to run vista .. So I added 1 gig of ram to it .. Now At 1500 mb (1.5gig) of ram it's still slow as ever.. So I calle the company that made it and ask for a downgrade to XP .
It seems the drivers neeed are not all compatiable with xp just vista.. All my other 4 computers have windows xp pro on them except my laptop , it has vista... Anyone else haveing probs with vista?
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Vista SUCKS.
My girlfriend has a Lap Top with it, upgraded to 512 ram, still sucks.
The final version of XP, sp3, is the way to go.
ONE day Vista may be OK, but we run XP with SP 3, it flies.
The only things that I find that run slow on vista are MS products, go figure. Be careful with updates, they dont always fix stuff. I would advise being notified when updates are available and check out what each is. Auto update is bad news, I dont let anyone screw with my stuff automatically.
I run XP and online version of Quickbooks.
All my apps are online so if my computer croaks I just pick up any other one in the house.
Vista works OK for me. My laptop has 2 gigs of ram, and I unloaded all the crap they send out from the factory. The key is to rid your computer of all the junk programs and trial stuff. Vista has some nice features, yet my 2 desktop PC's still are running XP with sp2. Quickbooks 2008 pro rocks on my laptop. Estimates, invoices, credit card services, etc, are really easy to use and navigate. I've had no issues opening or using documents or programs between the two. If your scared of Vista, don't be. Vista is the future, and XP won't be supported forever. Most folks are afraid of change, don't be. Just remember MINIMUM OF 2 GIGS RAM and you'll be fine. If your operating a computer with only 512k you might as well not use it at all. Your Ipod has more memory than that. Just like you do here on this forum, investigate it prior to purchase, on a computer forum.:)
Bite the bullet and buy a Mac. I've had one for 9 months and I love it. Plus I can still run Windows XP in a program on the Mac, which is great for my Quick books Contractor Edition........of course they don't have the 08 version out for the Mac. In my opinion it's a better computer, but limited programs.
just my 3 cents
Nothing beats a Mac !

I switched to all Mac laptops about 6 months ago. The best thing I ever did ! My Iphone work calendar syncs perfectly with Macs as well.
If your scared of Vista, don't be. Vista is the future, and XP won't be supported forever.

Remember when NT was the hot new OS? or ME?
XP pro sp2 is rock solid and the only thing I use (except for on servers where I use SBS)
I used to sell the TRS-80 back in 1978 & 79. I was the youngest salesman that Radio Shack had in So Cal and I sold more than anyone else. Basic language was so incredibly boring, but you could make it do some pretty silly things that somehow impressed enough people to by them. Remember the cassette tape drive? It had a 1.7Mhz processor and 4kb of RAM.
My first was a Mac 128 - picked it up after the Super Bowl.
SBS Was and is still bloated for most

I sold it as well in my computer days and most people never used all the features.