Will this work

Jonathan Ellis

like I am thinking? I am wieghing out the options in using caustic more frequently due to the exceptional cleaning ability, however, I am also looking at the dangers of doing this as well. I dont want anyone getting hurt with it and I dont want to mess up asphalt. I was looking into possibly getting a reclaim unit and reclaim surface cleaner and applying the caustic through the surface cleaner and then it getting sucked back up as I move along. Am I on the right path as far as it would not leave any behind to cause injury to anyone and there would not be run off to mess up the asphalt?

Would the caustic tear up the reclaim equipment?

For those of you (Al I am talking to you... and others) that have the reclaim units, what all goes into maintenance of the units?
I know it will tear up the swivel in the SC for sure. I wore one out because i wouldnt let all the chems out of the hose after DS just that lil bit was enough. the swivel only lasted about 2-4 months 20hrs. or so. but its up 2 u
Any idea how much replacement swivels are for the 24 inch steel eagle?
What are the exact steps to neutralizing it? I just bought some caustic for the first time recently so I am not very familiar with it.
What are the exact steps to neutralizing it? I just bought some caustic for the first time recently so I am not very familiar with it.

We just neutralize it by prewetting the asphalt/runoff area and rinsing thoroughly. We've done this on freshly sealed solid black asphalt and never had a problem.

If you want to be technical about it you can get ph test strips from a pool store and pool some of it up and check it, spray some acid into it and see how much acid your mix needs to be neutralized.

We didn't start doing concrete till Novemeber of last year, so don't listen to me too much. :)
if you do try running caustic through your surface cleaner let us know how it works out. I was thinking of doing the same thing but haven't tried it yet. Figured it would save a step and be safer also. No more slick concrete for customers to slip on
Jonathan, if you are pushing the caustic through the surface cleaner and vacuuming it straight back up, you are losing the effectiveness of dwell time and the resultant emulsification/saponification of the the oil and grease.

It may be safer, but I don't think you will get the level of clean that you are used to or would expect.

Are you looking at improving safety for you, employees or the general public?

Perhaps if you broke up the process... apply using a dedicated low pressure system drawing from a tank of pre-made solution (no one has to handle the chemical) or apply by downstreaming, again from from a tank of pre-made solution. Then, use the vacuum surface cleaner to clean and remove the caustic.

This way you get the 'dwell' benefits of caustic, it has been applied 'safely', it has been recovered with minimal overspray and risk to you, employee, general public and surrounding areas.

I guess the next problem is hauling caustic material - although, like tony said, perhaps by neutralizing it on site with an acid you would then have 'neutral' gray water.... getting into a whole other realm now!

Good luck with it jonathan, let us know what you decide to do and how it works out for you.

Guy's you can use caustic, its in your toothpaist. Using it at safe levels is great.

What Tony doesnt know your in the south buying beads and flakes. Then you just spread the stuff all over the place.

Theres no water or acid thats going to save the asphalt.

OH, its 20 parts acid to 1 caustic for neutralize.LOL
Carey, you ever get the pics of your truck? I would like to see them, I have some ideas for a project for later this year.
Carey, you ever get the pics of your truck? I would like to see them, I have some ideas for a project for later this year.
Not yet. I am getting a ro system to replace the di tank on the truck. The new system will be mounted in the same location that the di tank is now. When I get that set up I will be taking pics. It should be done in a week. I am still not sure how to upload pics from my I phone to this site.
Not yet. I am getting a ro system to replace the di tank on the truck. The new system will be mounted in the same location that the di tank is now. When I get that set up I will be taking pics. It should be done in a week. I am still not sure how to upload pics from my I phone to this site.
What type of ro system will you be running? Im in the market to replace the one i got. I have an older system thats running 6 40" membranes and get about 6 to 8 gpm depending on temp and pressure. I used to have this on a trailor but its pretty cumbersome and my membranes are getting no more life from them after cleaning. looked into replaceing the membranes,about 1800+ for new ones:eek: All in all its time to replace i have spent to much money into cleaning my membranes and backup membranes,pump,plumbing,gauges:mad:. any info would be a great help. Thanks. Robert...
What are the exact steps to neutralizing it? I just bought some caustic for the first time recently so I am not very familiar with it.

Anything that's on the other side of the PH scale should neutralize it.