Will the bubble burst


New member
This is the second time in as many weeks that oil prices have nose dived.last week they recovered to new highs.I'm hoping today's decline will go down even farther.
Opec has been saying for months the price of oil should be at about $80 a barrel,but commmodities traders have continued to push the top edge of the markets.

Curious thing, I have a very good friend that has some gas stations. No I dont wash them, and do not want to... Anyway, he told me last Wednesday that the rack rate dropped 30 cents a gallon in one day on diesel. He is the cheapest at $4.69 on this side of town, and has not dropped a cent since then. Everyone has actually raised their prices.
Even if oil does come down to you really think companies are going to drop their prices on food, clothes etc.?

I dont think so. We are getting used to paying high prices now, I expect to pay them later on as well, even though I dont want to.
Even if oil does come down to you really think companies are going to drop their prices on food, clothes etc.?

I dont think so. We are getting used to paying high prices now, I expect to pay them later on as well, even though I dont want to.

I do think they will come down if the price of oil does. Someone will lower prices to get more business and others will have to follow.
My diesel trucks are killing me but, I would NOT give them up!:)
We could definitely use a drop in prices. Gas here is $4.63 for regular and $5.58 for diesel!
I have always said that since the huricane , and someones lame excuse to raise the price of fuel seemed to work as far as scaring the consumer into thinking we have a shortage of oil .. I guess we are gonna get ripped off .
I think or biggest problem is that in our business of pressure washing we use alot of fuel , just like truck drivers and commuters as well... Oil companies know this so If you will pay 4.00 a gallon , then they can drop the price to 3.73 are so and make a large profit still and consumers really think they are getting a good deal.. Asfar as the USA drilling more, I think we should take the save the planet people and throw them all in a river.. Fuel prices started falling here the other day .. Unleaded is $ 3.73 and Diesel is $ 4.49... Still though I as well as all of my Friends only put enough fuel in our trucks and machines to get the job done, other than that I dont buy anywhere near the fuel I used too.. I like when chuck norris said drill here and drill now... The heck with Saudia Arabia... We should use our own oil and leave them alone.. What ever happened to the good ole USA... And What ever happened to Made in the USA... I also think that our govement should take care of it's own.. The hell with trying to save other countries that just want to see us dead, WTF kind of mess is this... You know like you see on TV where US people go over to 3rd world countries and build houses for the homeless and give them clothes and stuff,, all supported by our tax money.. Our governent is blind to what is going on here in the USA because they choose too, and the more troops we send out to help everybody around the world the worse the USA will suffer.. You know I think this year I am neither Democrap or Repubelican, I would just like to see a president with some freakin COMMON SENSE>>>
Will the Bubble Burst (NO) Because of this :::
American families and small trucking businesses may be suffering, but big oil companies are thriving under the Bush administration. Since Bush took office, the big five companies—BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, and Shell—have earned a total of $556 billion in profits. This includes a record $123 billion in 2007. And BP, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, and Shell just posted record first quarter 2008 profits—a combined total of $31.7 billion. The BP and Shell huge first quarter profits were “built on the back of record-high crude prices.” Industry analysts called them “astounding.”

In 2004 and 2005, big oil companies also received tax breaks worth over $17 billion over the next decade, including avoiding at least another $7 billion to $9 billion in royalties owed to the U.S. government for oil and gas extracted from federal areas in the Gulf of Mexico.

A Fuel Price “Reliefbate”
Middle- and lower-income families need immediate help to cope with record fuel prices. We can help these families by providing a “fuel price reliefbate” check of up to $450, which will cover some or all of the higher fuel price costs faced by working families due to the increase in gas prices over the last seven years.

A Realifbate.... Thanks alot now the people who can afford the fuel are going to be paying for the people who cant ... Oh thats great ... How about taking your hand an shoving it down the oil companies pockets...
And by the way where is my 17 billion dollar tax cut... Uncle SAM..

The fuel price reliefbate would be applied progressively to families who need it the most. The amount households in each income group would receive in offsets is calculated using the average annual fuel expenditure increase between 2001 and an estimate for 2008 (see methodology for more details). The fuel price reliefbate would reimburse 100 percent of the higher cost of gasoline since 2001—or $450—for families earning less than $10,000 per year. Families with higher incomes would receive a progressively smaller offset. Families earning $50,000 to $75,000 annually would receive $200 or one-fifth of the total annual average increase for gasoline between 2001 and 2008. And families earning more than $75,000 annually would receive no aid. Overall, this portion of the fuel price reliefbate would provide some reprieve to 80 percent of all households and cost $22 billion.

This proposal would also provide independent truckers with a $4,000 fuel price reliefbate, which would offset, albeit slightly, the exorbitant rise in diesel prices. This portion of the fuel price reliefbate would cost $1.2 billion. There are over 306,000 self-employed truck drivers who spend on average over $110,000 annually on fuel, driving an average of 130,000 plus miles per year. Each independent truck driver would get $4000, which is five percent of the difference between the annual 2001 fuel expenditure and an estimate of his/her fuel bill in 2008.

This short-term relief proposal should be followed by meaningful, long-term solutions.
AND WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE WHO DEPEND ON FUEL TO MAKE A LIVING... We dont get squat... See if you make over 75,000 you get nothing, So now I go work my ass off so that I can fillup some cars with gas in the welfar projects... but do my taxes go down... NO..

MORE LIES... Dont get me wrong I am a Republican more so than a democrap, but Is this really the Best our government can do , if it is we the people of the united states should fire everybody in washington, also dont elect either one of this money hungry idiots, and lets all go out and hire someone with some COMMON SENSE..
The Dangers of a “Federal Gas Tax Holiday”
The high fuel costs have stimulated at least one proposal that would make things worse, not better, for families and independent truckers. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) recently proposed enacting a “federal gas tax holiday” that would suspend the levy of gasoline and diesel taxes from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) supports this proposal, but would pay for it with a windfall profits tax on big oil companies. Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) opposes it because it would provide few savings to consumers and not curtail oil use.

The proposed gas tax holiday has a number of flaws:

It would add an estimated $11 billion dollars to the deficit since he has no plan to pay for it.
It would provide money to all drivers and truckers, regardless of income or need.
Many economists believe that reducing the price of fuel will increase demand, while supply is constrained by existing refining capacity. Prices may therefore not decline by the entire 18.4 cent gas tax.
If the gas price drops due to the tax holiday, then drivers could respond by driving more due to lower gasoline prices. The additional demand could drive the price of gas back up.
As demand drives prices up to their previous level, the gas tax holiday would increase profits for big oil companies and refineries without providing any price relief.
This proposal is consistent with Sen. McCain’s huge proposed corporate tax rate cuts that would have reduced Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and ExxonMobil’s total tax bill by $3 billion in 2007.

CAP’s proposal avoids all of the deficiencies of Sen. McCain’s proposals, and has a number of advantages. It would:

Assist the people who are suffering the most from record high gasoline prices.
Offset some of the higher fuel prices for middle-income households making less than $75,000 annually.
Aid those low-income households that do not drive, but face higher prices for food and other goods due to higher fuel costs.
Help independent truckers suffering from record diesel prices.
Pay for itself over time by eliminating big oil industry tax breaks and recovering lost royalties.
Had President Bush adopted higher fuel economy standards in 2001, motor vehicles today would already be using significantly less fuel, thereby reducing demand and price pressure. Because of his failure to act, families and independent truckers face record high fuel prices and sharp increases in food and other prices of essential goods.

Sen. McCain’s gas tax holiday provides only a mirage of relief. We can provide real assistance to middle- and lower-income families coping with these price hikes by closing big oil tax loopholes and recovering lost royalties. After profiting from high prices over the past seven years, its time for big oil to help American families and small businesses by paying a little bit more in taxes and royalties.

I have made my stand this year and have refused to vote.. I may even get a sign on election week thats says Dont Vote for either candidate.. wait until we find someone with common sense..
Sen. McCain’s gas tax holiday provides only a mirage of relief. We can provide real assistance to middle- and lower-income families coping with these price hikes by closing big oil tax loopholes and recovering lost royalties. After profiting from high prices over the past seven years, its time for big oil to help American families and small businesses by paying a little bit more in taxes and royalties.QUOTE]
On the surface this sounds like a good idea. If you're a socialist. Oil companies shouldnt even be paying the amount that they do. No company should. They get .08 per gallon sold. The government gets .16c per gallon. Hmmm...The oil companies do all of the exploration, drilling, extracting, refining, marketing, etc..and they get 50% of what the government gets for doing nothing but redistributing the wealth like god **** Communist China.

75% of their after tax "windfall profits" last year were put back into exploration and research.

They are a for profit business just like all of us. Why does Nancy Pelosi get to decide when they've made enough? Her State has one of the biggest deficits in the country. Shes not the person Im going to trust when it comes to money.

p.s. Not voting for Mcain is the same as voting for Osama... i mean Obama. So before anybody gets clever and just says "im not voting" Think about what that will actually get you....