
Jonathan Ellis

do people let their properties look this bad before they will do anything about them?


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Great sales tool I am probably going to be getting the information from Tony about his guy that does them that will cut the logo into the stencil. That will be great. Did you order any of them?
Great sales tool I am probably going to be getting the information from Tony about his guy that does them that will cut the logo into the stencil. That will be great. Did you order any of them?

Won't Knock Tonys stencil, I love my logo but I like Ashleys idea. www.dirtyconcrete.com stencil.

I will be ordering one from T's guy also. If your logos tells the tale I like it. If it doesnt I like Bigash's.
I have access to a plasma cutter. I will be playing with it to see if I can actually get it to do what I want.
I like the stencil, it's a nice touch. I think people just don't realize how dirty some things really are!

I agree. I have done homes in the past that they were so use to the (mis)color consistency that after I pw the house and there was the proper consistency of color, they did not think I had done anything.
Shawn, the guy that sells them is on the pwi. His name is Marc. He has a picture of the stencil in his signature.
hook me up neighbor!

Hey Richard, I have some stencils you can do demos with!

They say "PROKLEEN 888-251-7647"
LOL!! Thats funny right there..:D
no kidding, I would even have one made for you that is GOLD PLATED, you know that cheap crap thats on the todays version of spider rings in the used to be quarter machines that now are 1.00