"You have to pass thru failure on your wat to success " AMEN to that... Good Find .. I read the whole thing and this guy is right... I worked with a firend of mine for a number of years cleaning vent hoods .. He has his own business still, we get together on a couple of jobs... What is strange is that I taught him how to clean vent hoods when he and I started it out working together.. Now granted he knows alot of stuff, he has also been around 20 years longer than me , he is 61.. Everytime we get together to do a job I feel like the student .. It is a strange feeling.. I respect this guy a whole lot and I listen to what he has to say ... But the guy is right in that letter about seeking approval... I can tell my buddy or my dad or my sister that everything is great , when it's the pits... They expect me to be always doing well so why dissappoint them...
The other day I called my Dad , he is 76 years old , I said dad I am having a pretty slow week I just called to say hi.. The first thing my dad said was Why arn't you out doing sales calls , then he told me how I spend to much money and never save anything and that if I didn't start saving right now I would never have a penny to my name when I retire.. I guess what I expected him to say was , Great you finally got a week off.... LOL I guess after reading that I learned that I need to learn to pat myself on the back and stop waiting for other people to do it... That was a GREAT article.....