Why Are you here???????????

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
disturbing Post on Delcos BBS>>By yours Truly Cody....


I read this post and i realize you may share this man opinion.

I want to know if I'm crazy?

If those here believe this then what are you doing here?

I want to know if your here to help? especially if your a moderator. If your opinion is fillied with the idea that helping people then you should not be here.

If your On PWI to watch learn and share inf, welcome.

I hope that i have not contributed to find out that folks are affraid of each other.

I have help so many contractors right in my back yard. i have been helped by other freinds in this business. Scott Stone has helped me and i have helped him. even if we were in the same line of work we would be friends.

Dont be paroniod about your neighbor. most people that have this type of attitude are the people you cannot trust. I deal with everyone the first time until the prove different. Last week i met a contractor Moe that i had never met before. He wanted advice about some new equipment that he purchased. I think i solved his problem. I 'm not worryings about Moe, he seems like a nice fellow. i live in a market that is large andwe have so much work. the work is plentyful. I believe most markets the work is there.

if your better than the next guy you will win. tune off this BBS and may loose. I stay one step ahead everyday, i strive to perfect and grow my businesses everyday.

Its late i will ad more and i'm sure we will have lots of posts.
Here's the problem that Cody can't seem to deal with. This is the INFORMATION AGE and that is the way life is now thanks in large do to the INTERNET.

Thats the way it is and he can't deal with that so in the end his business will probably fall off the face of the earth because that is what seems like is happening to him if you read that post.

Information is out there now in every field. Hell, in the worst case scenario a friend of mine told me he can build a monster size bomb if he wanted to because its right on the web. That is scary stuff no doubt.

But on the positive side there is info out there for anytype of business if you serf the web hard enough. You can now even get a college degree via the net.

The mistake that Cody is making is that he refuses to GET with the times. There is nothing he can do about changing it and his whining and crybabying will only give him ulcers.

He should except the way things are now if he want's his business to grow. The net is out there for everyone's advantage and to not use it as such is a great loss to anyone at this moment in our lives.

But we all know Cody won't listen to what anyone will have to say on this subject which is why I won't even bother to respond to his post on delco's site. It's bad enough I have to deal with my Mother In-law who is very stubborn so why should I bother with Cody???
Codys Post

This might be an unpopular opinion but I think he did a good job on that post. It was well written and he was brutally honest which sometimes causes a stir on these BBS. It doesn't matter whether I agree or disagree with all of the points he made, he said what he had to say and some people aren't gonna like it, but I did. After all, isn't that the nature of Bulletin Boards? I don't know where he works but if I ever run into him I'll shake his hand and tell him to his face that he has my respect.
There was information online before I ever started helping out. I understand Cody's perspective, but I can't say that I support it.

I respect him. He's entitled to his opinion. There is a difference between opinion and fact. I doubt that it is a fact that the internet and those who speak up are the sole or even primary reason for what he has experienced. I can think of many other reason. To be sure of the real reason, you would literally have to ask the new companies questions about their beginning, and their success. Without solid information all it is, is speculation.

Fear is an amazing thing. Most folks are either afraid of success or failure....think about that.

I feel somewhat targeted here. This is not the first time Cody has named me in a post. I'm sure it won't be the last, and.... oh well. Life, goes on.

As I said on the other board I will not change who I am for anyone. I help because I enjoy it. If he doesn't want to believe that too bad! If I find a way to make a living doing what I enjoy, hey, kudos to me. Many people go a lifetime not working at what they enjoy. Those of us who enjoy being helpful and make a living at it, deserve to. It's still work.


p.s. I'll also add what I added on the other board, which is if he is laying blame elsewhere for losing a couple of accounts, instead of looking at his own business, he's in denial about something and that's a shame. It's also a dangerous place to be when you own a business. Myself and others may speak up and offer advice and support, but you know what? We are not to blame for his loss. It's not our business to manage. It's his. Also, not everyone who starts out succeeds. Many fail, with or without the web.
Beth are you taking pity on Cody now?

We all are what we are for reasons, some lost jobs and could not find another, others dreamed of being in busines for themself.

Some worked for another in the same business then quit and started up their own and went after the former bosses accounts.

Others agreed not to and even were given help and some accounts to get started with.

I have been blunt ofen, I have even told Beth to stop working Rod to death and get dirty helping him. Only kidding Beth, I know you have helped Rod often and then gone and showered up and went out dancing that same night, tired and worn out but having fun.

The Cody's of the world will always be here as the guy who cuts prices in half, we have to deal with it.

Take Wal-Mart, they come into an area, buy up all the mom and pop drug stores to gain a list of prescription drugs and put other businesses out of business. I have seen it right here in Redlands about 7 years ago, we had about 7 mom and pop pharmacies, now they are all gone, Wal-Mart bought them all. They have also put other businesses out.

How do you deal with a Wal-Mart is to become competitive with them IF you can. They are out to put every business out of business.

Example is the Super Store of theirs, we don't have them, don't want them and California has tried to pass a law not to allow them. Under the table stuff happened and now they will be here. Our major super markets are running scared. They need to come up with a plan of attack to stay in business. Group together for better buying power is one way.

If enough PWers live in a general area and use the same products team up for buying power. Instead of each of you buying say 50 gallons of XX brand cleaner buy 500 gallons and ask for the volume price.

Ron I believe this is one of your points in the Round Table meetings you tried to get going, buying power.

Enough, Beth wants to stomp on my feet again:D


Hey she is fun to tease ok, and she knows where I come from as a friend and not one to attack her.

CHuck Cody is I believe in Florida and I would love to meet him too, not that I agree with everything he has said but have spoken with him on the phone last year. He is outspoken yes, but a nice chap too. My opinion of him, like me no one likes everyone, just don't hate anyone.
I also ead cody's post and found it quite interesting .......................So he has an opinion I tip my hat off to him I agree With Chuck.....................

Jon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
on the buying power thing............Naaaaaaaaaaa I dont think that would fly b/c everybody uses different soaps ...........what works well for some may-not work for others ......... I would rather pay the extra 100. bucks to have something different than somebody else in my area doing the same thing........

of -course that is my thought and my thought only .so dont take it to the bank..........u may go broke...
Nope. I understand his point of view, I just don't agree with it. Ignorance is not bliss. Education is a wonderful thing, and hey the last time I checked we live in a capitalist society where our economy is built on competition.

Information is out there people, and has been for some time. One woman can not break the industry wide open and cause your financial doom. If he is having problems with his accounts he ought to look at his business and address the real problem instead of living in denial. HE can no more control the actions of others than they can of him. This is to his advantage if he makes it so. But he can control how he handle the loss of his accounts and the actions he takes to remedy the situation.

Good grief. 'Ya know, it will probably frost his oats, but his post has inspired me to speak out even more..... Gee thanks Cody, I have been looking for a little inspiration.....


p.s. Jon and all you guys... you're fine. Cody used me as an example. He had an opinion. I don't share it, but I do understand it and respect it. Everyone has opinions.... Freedom of speech, remember?
He used you Beth because the guys driving him out of busz maybe are your customers???? That’s just speculation of course.

Cody has been opinionated in the past and maybe I have given him the publicity he was looking for. My mistake, I just don’t want to see what thing people have been sharing to slow down.

If knowledge is power then why not get in here and get some. We are here and if you want to help then help. if your going to lay back and absorb then fine.

People Cry about the account they lost. I loose accounts too. I also get new ones and the world goes on. We just landed a beauty and now we have a larger one that might go out the door.

Did someone from PWI take this from me? Maybe… Call me if you did, OK. (Scott don’t play with) LOL

People don’t fear you competitors, meet them and become friends. Maybe you can help each other. Maybe you can make a difference as professionals on the guys that are not.

I know a company in the valley that has three different names to there busz. These guys are at my heels constantly. I keep my eyes open and watch what’s going one around me. Do I loose sleep over them? NO

I agree with nothing Cody says……. I don’t fault anyone than differs my opinion. Your opinion is yours. Maybe I’m wrong but I do not believe that I’am.

Time again will tell the truth,, truth always prevails…..
Dan S. I am aware of the many different products all of us use, what I meant by buying power is IF enough of us use the same product then we can buy that product in bulk and save.

Your right about all the other stuff, if you use brand S but another PWer used brand R even if it does almost the same thing there is no buying power.

However if one of you try out the other brand and find you like it and that it does the job now you can team up for buying power.

Ron I have met many competitors, many walk away as soon as I say what I do but those that talk are nice guys indeed. Most are not in the exact line I am or they do more then one thing but someday I might have need for them, or they might have need for me.

As for worrying about lost accounts, the only thing I would just want to know the reason I lost it, price, work, bought their own equipment etc.

As far as who took it who cares, sure I would like to know but not to go after their accounts, that is truly hitting below the belt.

Cody opinionated, sure but are we not all, you surely speak your mind at times, as I do too. Few are able to say a lot with very few words, Mike Hughes is one, I should attend the classes he did to learn how to say book in 10 words or less. Really he just knows how to get the point across short and sweet.

Where is he again? Florida or California? Nah.... Doubt my clients are driving him out of business.

It is too bad Cody feels that way and feels or thinks he has been burned by the information on any BBS. The fact remains that information for power washing or any trade can come from a number of sources other than a BBS, for example distributors, family members, friends, on the job training, trade organizations, just to name a few.

What he is missing is that an educated competitor understands what it takes to actually do the job right and will charge a fair price. Which is good for all of us, then what it actually comes down to is building customer relationships. And this is how a good contractor will develop a strong clientel base.

On the other hand, if a competitor under bids a job and then can't keep the customer happy because he is trying to keep cost down he will eventually lose the account. Just keep calling on the account until it comes back. This has happened to me numerous times.

Sorry, if I am just repeating any earlier post. I am in a hurry.
When I read his Post what comes out his total frustration with all issues that control his business. If I were to lose a large account I would look at my actions before I would look at others. If the accounts were taken I would find other accounts and take them.

The best benefit that we have is that we can control or own future. The equipment is a mobile platform that we can find a need and fill it. Just take a day and list all the items that you see that can benefit from your tools. Then create an working niche for your tools. Hood Cleaning is my niche. I turn flatwork down, why because it takes time away from the marketing niche that I have created and cultivate.

I seldom lose accounts, however I have and have always replaced them with more profitable customers. If I were to lose all my accounts and I sure within a short time I would be doing something with my equipment. We must keep a eye on the ball and stay in focus as to your selected niche.

Haven't read Cody's post but have read some of his past posts and will go to Delco's BBS and check it out. He's a smart guy and is probably feeling the same way any of us would feel in the same situation. Anyway I'll read the post. Reading the posts here does make me think of the old saying though, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." I try to help my fellow PW's in my area but do not always get the warm welcome from them.
Cody is just plain burned out, there is no other reason he is sounding off so loudly about losing accounts.

He needs to seek another line of work before something worst happens to him.

I agree with Mike H. 100%.

It's the ones who can't figure it out....the clients are smart enough to see them for what they are. The fly by nighters may take some business, but if the people they get are not willing to spend the money anyway, then you would not have gotten them. And if they do get burned by a cheapie, they will call a pro later. We see this alllllll the time.

If there is not enough business to support you in a small area, then diversification seems natural too.

David, excellent point. It's about finding a niche where a need is not met. :)

A whole lot of reading material there. Couldn't make heads or tails though cause the posts were mixed up with other threads and posts not related. Where is this new board Delco has, they sure needed one. Bet the old one has 348,000 miles on it. From what i did read though I would say it would be hard for any of us to say what is or isn't. Only he knows what's actually happening in his areas, and he did make some interesting points. Some of us have and do things that save time and money thus giving us the competitive edge. Sort of like KFC's secret recipe or McDonald's special sauce. Some things you just don't want your competition to know and this holds true for any business. Helping is one thing but giving away the store is another. I think all made interesting points.
Clicked the link again and finally saw the original post, didn't come up last time. He makes some interesting points but totally disagree with the use of names meaning Beth and Rod. She's an asset to this industry and feel he could have left the names out. I see it both way's, but then I'm on the distributor side of the fence too. Think he's just alittle frustrated as we all are in this economy, things will improve soon.
Back to original question

It seems that many have been distrated by an individual. As recommended, no names mantioned. I have had a saying, one that has helped me see where I am and re-direct; "What you focus on is what you see." If we focus on a demise, we WILL act in a way that will help bring that to pass.

I am not a pro, (still in early crawl phase) but I do think I am professional. I am here to learn and get a feel of comradery (spelling?). As one has said, can't talk with wife or friends in other areas of our life. I posted elsewhere that It helps me to read and understand that others share in my desire/ideas/hopes/fustrations... this may seem weak or 'needy' but that's the open truth.

I am somewhat concerned with an attitude of misleading and discouragement. It is not difficult to click on 'Back' and move on. Sometimes I sense some are enjoying a feel of superiority. That's fine. If that is where they are and a need of there's. That is part of the deversity that benefits us all. Unfortunately, not all flowers have a pleasant aroma.

I agree with you, Mike does a fine job with words. I also appreciate the replys by Reed.

Now I must appologize. This was only going to be the second paragraph, but I fell into the flow. Too wordy, oops.