Whose Fault Would It Be

Mark 8262

Residential and Commercial Pressure Washing Specia
If you were on someone's roof and stepped through it "whose fault would it be". Do any you have the home owner sign something that would not hold you liable for a faulty roof?

I'm a big guy. Do you think 275lbs is too much to be walking around on the roof?

I would say thats a gray area if you ask me. it depends on the roof you gotta make the choice walk away or do it. I would have to say the home owners fault. if its that weak it could be a threat to the fam and they should be gratefull that you found it and not the roof falling on them.???
In the end it will most likely CONSIDERED your fault. Simply because it wasn't that way before you started the job. Would be unfortunate.

I've stepped on a few soft ones and it always makes me wonder the same thing pertaining to fault. I wouldn't even argue the point, because they would say I'm the professional.

I have insurance, but there is a $500 deductible. I am planning on creating a service agreement where the customer says his roof is in good enough condition to support the weight. I might still help out with the repair, but I would like to have a little insurance with the signed agreement.
Your best bet is to shoot from the ground or the edge of the roof if possible, if your insurance wont pay or you dont have insurance the homeowners insurance will pay BUT ultimatly the responsibility falls on you because you are the contractor.

I would bet the HO insurance will come after you for reinbursement in the end. So be like the boyscouts and BE PREPARED.
Yea Mark, that's not a bad idea. I never liked the idea of waivers, simply because it seems to get the customer wondering if there's gonna be damage. But I still like your idea of an agreement.
The problem though is, the customer most likely won't know the condition of their roof, and you may lose the job, unless you shoot from the ladder.
That one would be all you, and that's why we all have insurance. Even if the homeowner was aware of this problem and did not inform you of it, it is still up to you to look over the job and ask these questions.
Has anyone ever stepped through the roof?

Yep, was blowing off the roofs of a bunch of 2-story condos that were heavy with pine straw that had been there for a long time...One building I stepped off the ladder onto the piled up straw/leaves and my foot went right through a really rotten section. The manager was fine with paying the repair, since there really wasn't any way for me to know it was rotten, and it needed to be repaired regardless of whether my foot punched a hole in it.
I have written in my contract, "we are not responsible for previous damage or damage caused due to a previous condition. " Whether it is binding or not, I'm not sure, but it's like a lock... keeps the honest people honest. I also explain this as they are signing.
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