Who Owns this Certified Roof cleaning Directory?

Ask Chris Tucker or Mike Sullivan (Pressure Washing Pro). They both have links to their web sites on that site.

Yes, it is Over The Top Roof Cleaning In Cincinnatti, hope I spelled that right ? Both Mike Sullivan and I are highly ranked for roof cleaning, and so is roof cleaning chemicals!
It is always wise to link to a highly ranked page. I have links to roof cleaning chemicals and Over The Top Roof Cleaning on several of my pages!
And you will see many pages linked to my page www.saferoofcleaning.com as well.
Jeff Hester is the owner of Over The Top Roof Cleaning, which specializes in non-pressure roof cleaning in Cincinnati OH.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeffrey_Hester

Domain is registered to Jeffrey Hester as well.

Correct....He's in my area and actually only about a 20 min from me. I consider them to be one of a few responsible and competent roof cleaners in the Greater Cincinnati area. They actually referred a customer to Cyclone, our residential sister company (cyclonepressurewash.com) last month. Customer said they were outside their service area.

Competition isn't always bad.....in Cincinnati, the biggest problem in roof cleaning is knowledge and customer awareness/education. Having companies like Cyclone Pressure Washing and Over The Top roof cleaning helps spread the word which helps both in the long run.

The only complaint I have is that the owner will not allow Cyclone (or any other Cinti area roof cleaner) to be listed in the Chem Blog. I think it's a bit short sighted but it's his domain.

I've been thinking of ways to bring awareness to roof cleaning in this market.....IMHO, some advertising collaboration between the local competition would be advantageous to all......it's either that or let people keep replacing 10 year old roofs because of the "jet exhaust" on them.
It is similar here, most people don't know that you can clean roofs.

A lot of people think that the roof is either rotting away, it is jet exhaust, fallout from the local refineries, soot from those people that bbq all the time, etc...

I am always looking for better ways to educate the public about the roof cleaning.
It is similar here, most people don't know that you can clean roofs.

A lot of people think that the roof is either rotting away, it is jet exhaust, fallout from the local refineries, soot from those people that bbq all the time, etc...

I am always looking for better ways to educate the public about the roof cleaning.

We have the education problem compounded by being the home of both a nationally syndicated home improvement radio personality and a sodium percarbonate roof cleaning mfg....collaborating via paid sponsorship to misinform the public regarding SH.

I can't even bear to listen anymore......at least 1 "tee'd" up call a week to pimp "brand X" roof cleaner.