Who Listened???

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
I'm curious today, I have and event that is going over the top with registration.

I have personally made a total of 435 calls leaving messages.

I told you about the event in Charleston and I mentioned the Grand prize.

What was the other prize we are giving away and who is giving it away.

Everyone who remembers the call please tell me what the two major prizes are.

This thread will have a special prize to be annouced later this week.

All you have to say is you got a call, but if you remember the items and what they are please tell me.
Dang, I don't remember any mention of prizes. I know the major one, and think I know the minor one, but I won't say because I have always thought of people who think they know as being a bit dangerous.
I didn't get no stinkin message!
You called but didn't leave a message. :crying: