who are these guys?

The Hillstrand Brothers almost weren't coming back this year had a lawsuit with Discovery Channel. All is well now and they are back. They are also filming a new series call Hillstanded. I don't know when it starts.

Glad they are coming back. Deadliest Catch would not be the same without them and Capt Phil
They are seamen,wanting ever more crabs.

I think watching the drama of this guys life was amazing. that was REALITY TV. Hats off for Phil Harris!
Jonathan Hilstrand Capt of the Time Bandit, Sig Hansen Capt of the Northwestern and I don't know the other two...
Only kidding I don't know what is safer being on the deck or being a captain. The captain looks like he is going to stroke out have a heart attack and brain aneurism all at the same time.

Actually...Phil Harris kinda did....:cray:
Best show on TV. Also love the "after the deadliest catch show" when there sittin in the bad just shotting the bull.
I thought the litigation was still going on with Discovery suing the Hillstrand brothers.
I also heard Sig was in litigation with them too. Anybody know if that is resolved?

I think it has been settled. I don't think Discovery was suing Sig, but he was not going to do Deadliest catch if the Hillstrands were not doing the show.