where's Jon???

:D :D na not really,we know where everybodys at,we just talking ,heck we wouldn't stand in anybodys way of making money cuss we know he's going to need it driving around in something found on the side of the road dead,besides we're the new breed we're stickers :eek: ;) .

<img src=http://freepages.school-alumi.rootsweb.com/~deanacarlson/fsmanibari.gif>
Making money, hmm I thought I did it for free because I enjoy it!

Yes I have been busy, face it I do work even if I hate to admit it.

Ok it is now just past 3AM and I got home from working about 30 minutes ago, give or take a few and now this is my last post as I am tired.

poor baby,go lay down and get ya pretty sleep grandpa.


  • bowdown.gif
    265 bytes · Views: 61
His hair looks blonde to me, not grey....besides, he's young at heart! :)
Hmmm, Pretty sleep??? It is not working.

As for the hair thing, trust me, it is grey.

blonde hahahahahahahahahahahaha..........not working hahahahahaha,guess tho a earring with dat blonde hair would make it work wouldn't you think with them bead-e eyes.:D poor baby.


  • oldwoman.gif
    55.5 KB · Views: 42
Thank you Beth.

It was BLONDE when I was in my first YOUTH:)

Bigboy, you should be ashamed of yourself for posting a picture of your new girl friend,I mean dancning like that in public, really now.

Do not believe Scott, he is color blind;)
I think she's cute,look at dat sex-e wiggle besides ifen I show'd ya what she look'd like 30 years ago ya'd want kick me off the bbs but its the only on I got of her,want see it,she's shaking up my beer with huh,want see huh,I don't think its x rated but some will I guess,want see huh,she a doll,WOW and has the same wiggle but higher up,want see huh.

Reason brother color'blind he think he half deer and half squrr'el but he can see flate blondies several states away,mom teach him how cuss she was a blonde too in her youth.