Where were you?....


Greaser of the Year
It's 9/11 5 years later. I can remember exactly where I was and exactly what I was doing on this date 5 years ago. I remember watching the towers getting hit at a donught shop that I was serving. Then I remember heading across the mountain from Big Bear to Crestline, CA and listening to Bill Handel on KFI am640. I remember him saying that the towers had fallen and that the first estimations of people killed were somewhere around 50K.

I remember the anger building up in me. I remember wanting to go home grab my guns and go to war! At my next stop on my route, I remember watching the face of the President as he was with those children in Florida...I think he felt the same as me :mad:

As time passed I remember the flags on cars started to fade. I remember how I would see less and less of the pictures on TV of the towers falling...now 5 years later, I set and wonder who remembers? 3000 innocent people killed by 19 wacko muslims. Fathers, sons, mommies and brothers lost that day....let us never forget and even more importantly let us not let it happen again.
I was driving my wife to work. I was listening to a station that always does comedy bits and I was thinking "How is this funny?" They were talking about the plane flying in to the Pentagon and I just didn't get it. I took me a while to realize or I guess the word is believe what they were saying.

Needless to say I spent the rest of the day watching the news and listening to Howard Stern. He did one of the most emotional broadcasts I have ever heard.
I am operations manager of a US Flag Manufacturing company here in Atlanta Georgia. We had orders for 250,000 flags by 2 PM. Many purchase orders just stated "Send anything Red/White/Blue" We did not answer our phones for two months and only took orders via email by the customers who knew my personal email.

It was crazy, I think too many people have forgotten. My best friends wife is a school teacher in Jersey, 18 kids lost parents that day!!! Still gets me fired up inside.

Jeff Robison
Titan Exterior
My wife and I were just getting up. She was getting ready for a 10AM flight to Okalahoma City to visit her mom who was ill. Well I turned to my wife and said you are not flying anywhere for a week. She didn’t seem to grasp the problem for a few minutes until it hit her. She called and spoke to her mom. As a further note her mom died on 9/12/01.
I was fighting a forest fire in a remote area of Northern California. We didnt know what had happened until two days later we tried to get an air tanker to do a retardant drop for us and air command told us all planes were grounded in the country because of the towers. We headed back to the trucks and listened to the radio for a while. It was four days after it happened until we could see the news and holy crap I was riled up and wanted to get my guns and f some aholes up.
I was coming across one of most dangerous bridges from Ill, to Iowa when I was a ATT cable contractor, I dont remember the drive just the shock of the radio, Thank God everyone else was in the state I was in, other wise it would have be a pile up...

I was in my shop working when my workers came in and told me. I said that was the stupidest joke I ever heard, there is no punchline. Then they said no really, and I spent the rest of the day in front of the tv trying to figure out what I could do. That is a terrible feeling being that helpless, and so far away. My thoughts and prayers are with all of those who lost loved ones in the attacks.
It was a beautiful morning,not a cloud in the sky.Very much like today.I was on my way to my Dad's to clean his house windows.I tuned into Stern as he was saying that a plane just hit one of the twin towers.I thought it was his usual bull,for about 3 sec,then it hit me.He was not joking.Pulled into Dad's house,and got to tv.We watched as the second jet slammed into the other tower.Shock went to rage.The towers collapsed,news of the Pentagon,Shanksville!!Those savage,cowardly animals must be continually hunted down,and exterminated..no prisioners...NO QUATER!Not out of vengance,but to protect,and preserve our lives,our homes,our nation.
I got up on the roof to watch the skies. Concerned about further attacks,ready to take up arms.A day of prayer,and mourning.
....Roommate came and woke me up, watched for about five minutes and spent the next hour trying to get a hold of a frat buddy who'd been working for Paine Webber in Lower Manhattan.....none of us knew where. We were all sick......he was okay, was supposed to go to CT that day, didn't, lived in Hoboken and saw the whole thing go down.
I can never forget that day as I sat in my office before I was to go out and do some estimates. I never made it to the estimates that day and rarely left the television that day and watched into the night and wee hours of the morning. When I later learned that a customer of mine was one of the pilots on flight 93, Leroy Homer, it hit closer to home than I imagined. I am never happy when bad things happen to good people. The fact that he left a wife and family behind as he saved many others will never be forgotten by this individual. Another thing I will never forget, nor do I lose sight of today is that there are many people who make it possible for me to have the life I do today. These include my immediate circle but we should always respect the job our military, police, fire departments, emergency responders, and so many others who that make it possible for us to have the kind of life we have. I will never forget and I will never take another day in my life for granted. This day opened my eyes wider than they had ever been as I felt that on that day WE ALL were "one nation" we were not republicans and democrats(or any other parties from different sides). It was not "you and me" it was "we and us" and people said hello to folks they would normally walk on by. The Star Spangled Banner had words to it that had meaning, it was no longer just any song. There is a quote I have always used and use it more frequently since that day and it is, "We are not guaranteed another day on the earth." Because of that I live each day as if there were no tomorrow and thank those who have sacrificed so that I get another day.
I had called to cancel my trip back to NYC the night before, My wife was real close to giving birth, I was traveling back and forth from PR to NYC and Boston for several large Drilling jobs I was running. I returned to Brooklyn Army Terminal the 14th.. Ground Zero was still on fire..the smell in the air is unforgettable. I have pictures where My drill rig was at the port and the towers across the bay in the background, the next shot is the same rig ( 80Ft high) in the same spot and the towers are erased. It was surreal, I had to send two Union operators I had on the job home because they were so shook up. They showed me some pretty graphic pictures of the response work since one was a crane guy the other a excavator operator. I resigned my position with the company shortly afterward because i could no longer wait for a plane till the last minute then run to the gate with laptop, Hard Hat and tools in my hands.

One of my contacts for the Port Authority that I worked for and met on a couple ocasions before 9/11 on the job..did not make it out.

Ol Bush showed up on his helicopter and fighters were circling over the Army terminal. I never felt so safe to be back in Puerto Rico before.

God Bless the Fallen.