Where has the spark gone?


New member
Our skid stopped starting with the key late last week.I made due with crossingthe soleniod posts until I could get a chance to look at things.Yesterday I chased wires looking for bad spots and replaced one wire,but the motor still won't start w/the key and now it it won't start when I cross the soleniod posts.
There is power to the soleniod from the key(also the side the battery hooks to)but no power on the side that goes from the solenoid to the starter.

I suspect the soleniod or the wire to the starter.Is there anything else I should be looking for?

Pull starting an 18hp motor is hard on my old shoulders
Replace the solenoid.
Hire a young guy to ride with and pull start it.
One of these two options should get you going.

William this motor has about 4k hours on it and still has compression as good as when it was new.Young guys these days would break an arm trying to pull start it....oh and the vast majority would rather play xbox instead of work.
You can try a 13V drill. You might find a cheap one at a home store. Just match a socket with the fly wheel/cooling fan in center and use it to start machine. I've done it on my 24hp honda. It's good for short term, just pull off the shroud.
If you are crossing the poles on your solenoid you're actually bypassing it so that's not the sole problem. Cross it and check for current at lug on the starter at the same time. If you have current at the lug, the starter or even the connector at the starter lug is bad.

I know most starters are a pain to get to but try a set of jumper cables directly to the starter. If it turns over you've got a bad connection from the solenoid on. If possible try to turn the starter motor by hand a little. You may have a bad spot on the armature.

I've been there with the big outboard with a starter rope too. No fun.
I may not be reading this correctly and you may have a different problem but the only time my honda would not start with the key, I took the cover off the ignition and there is a 25amp fuse behind it. It was blown. Replaced it and fired right up!
Nichole, that's funny...