Where do you store and share project files?


I am currently working on a couple of large projects, and the issue of convenient project file sharing has become more relevant than ever. I think many of you have encountered the need to transfer large amounts of data - be it graphic files, documents, videos, or something similar. It is important to me that the service is not only convenient but also secure. Sometimes I work with several people at once, and they all need to have access to files, preferably with the ability to edit them. My question to you is: what services do you use to share project files?
You asked a great question, and I'm happy to share my experience. When it comes to sharing project files, especially if it's large amounts of data like yours, I use several solutions, but there's one that deserves special attention. It's https://keep2share.tv/categories/filehosting/. This file-sharing service has helped me out on several projects, and its functionality suited my needs the best. First of all, it allows you to upload files of almost any size, which is very important when you're working on large projects, especially when it comes to video files or high-resolution graphics. Another important feature for me is the ability to password-protect files and set time limits on access to them.
As for sharing project files - I most often use Google Drive or Dropbox. They are very convenient, especially if you need to work with colleagues on one document in real time. I think both services do their tasks well, although there are other options as well.