When Your Customers Are Your Friends

Apple Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning Instructor
We do business with a lot of customers who are our personal friends.
Years ago, I started a singles group in the tampa - brandon fl area.
It has grown to over 1000 members!
It is nice to be able to make my friends happy by making their home look nice.
Here is a video of us.

<embed src='http://eyespot.com/flash/medialoader.swf?vurl=http://downloads.eyespot.com/direct/play?r=0XCzIG2UEyd2sHiEJW0mIWsitP&_autoPlay=false' allowfullscreen='true' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='432' height='407'></embed>
Lookin good you stud muffin!
Hey, my girlfriend was a "Gothic Temptress" and I was a "Caveman"
ONLY because it was the cheapest costume left :eek:
It is easy to start a group, it really is.
This one took off like a bat out of hell.
We are over 1000 members, well that is on paper.
Many join just to shop, dont see what they want, and move on.
But we have about 200 active members.
It really has been GREAT for business too :)
Chris some of those pics are just wrong!!! LMAO
Good to see your having fun... We all need it.:)
Hey, my girlfriend was a "Gothic Temptress" and I was a "Caveman"
ONLY because it was the cheapest costume left :eek:
It is easy to start a group, it really is.
This one took off like a bat out of hell.
We are over 1000 members, well that is on paper.
Many join just to shop, dont see what they want, and move on.
But we have about 200 active members.
It really has been GREAT for business too :)

now we know you are into roll play:eek:
Live life to the fullest! Treat everyday as it were the last! Chris glad to see your having fun, and yes doing work for a friend is a great thing!
Thanks Guys!
I hear about deed restricted sub divisions getting letters before my competitors sometimes.'My friends all know what I do, and look out for me.
Cant beat word of mouth, aint no shopping then.