When you wake up to early for work


New member
Woke up way to early today so I'm going fishing. Good tides and its payback on the tarpon I lost last week. Time to go
Fishing has been pretty good. water temps are down to 87 in Charlotte Harbor. Lots of cloudy days and not to much rain messing with water conditions. Last Wednesday took my daughter to practice in Punta Gorda so i brought 1 rod and 1 mirro lure. Was sitting down bs-ing with a guy and a 3-4 ft tarpon rolls 5 ft from the sea wall. I start chasing the small school down the pier. Only had one chance to cast wind takes it. another guy takes 20 more steps hooks up then gets broke off. "I should have taken 20 more steps" No action today Practice tomorrow maybe I'll get lucky.. I've hooked a bunch of 80 plus pounders never landed one thou. Getting my house ready to sell there's still some waterfront homes in my price range. The canals get filled with small tarpon throughout the winter months. They look fun as hell.