When farts go wrong


New member
Everybody loves farts, even the word fart is funny. Say it a few times fast and see if you don't laugh. Farts have a way of bringing people together and tearing them apart. How many times have you sat around with your buddies exchanging farts over a couple of brews and a football game. Then there are those moments when your driving in your truck with your buddys on a hot day with the windows rolled up and the air conditioner on and suddenly a smell takes over the entire vehicle so bad that you just have to roll the window down, no matter how hot it is outside. You never have to ask who did it, its alway the only guy thats laughing.

How many times have you been in an elevator full of people and wished, nay prayed, for that one perfect rotten egg and cabbage, silent but deadly fart that would just dessimate the entire elevator. Could you keep your cool though? Could you keep a straight face while you look around and see everyone sniffing the air, trying not to look too disgusted, but at the same time looking for that spot of fresh air that may be left inside the tiny cramped area.

Farts are not always cool though. Things can go horrible wrong with a fart and this video is a perfect example:

Thats funny Matt.I witnessed a friend light a fart and his shorts caught on fire,funny as sh#$ watching him put it out.My most memorable fart moment was in an elevator in a high rise building in NYC.I was out all night the night before bar hopping and drinking with friends,and we ended up at White Castle eating murder burgers at 5AM.Anyway I rip this mind warping beer/ white castle cheeseburger fart in this elevator I was in by myself,and I was going to the 15th floor,the elevator stops at the 11th floor and 2 very hot chicks get in the elevator,and I just stepped out very embarrassd and just watched them sniff the air and their faces cringed as the door shut and I just started laughing uncontrollably,embarrassed by it was so funny watching their faces as the door closed knowing that they were trapped with my special present to them!
Your Welcome! I guess I am getting paid back for that.I have a Bulldog that sleeps in my bedroom on a doggie bed.His gas could peel paint off the wall it is so nasty.I will be dead asleep ,and he'll rip one and it will wake me up no matter how tired I am.We had pugs when I was growing up and they could clear a room too!