Whats up with Delco's bb????

Clean County PW

Active member
For anyone that goes on Delco's bb, does it take forever to view there threads. I mean it takes around a minute to open up one of there threads.

4 yrs ago that would be around the norm being hooked up via phone line etc. But today being hooked up via cable that doesn't cut it. I like there bb and I see alot of interesting topics but I don't have the time or patience to sit there waiting to open up a thread.

Hopefully Larry, Robert or whomever see's this and they update there bb pronto or they will lose alot of people who like to go on there bb such as myself.
i agree that it has been slow. now instead of reading them all, i just look at the ones with the most interesting titles.. lol

i still will go there though. their board was the first board i found, and i deal with them on occasion.

plus i like seeing the head brass around there take the time to post. wish they'd post more specials.... i'd definitely spend more time there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To me its the other way around,Delco's opens fairly fast for me but Dan's and Ron's opens slowly for me,but hey I gotem redneck puter,always different.


Evey where I go it only takes a few seconds for each window to pop up if that long. Man I almost forgot how good it is compared to 128k etc.etc.etc. I was getting upset that it takes about 30 seconds for Delco's board but after seeing how long you all are waiting just reminds how good I've got it.

Seriously though if you all dont know what the difference is go check it out. You wont believe it! I have been on the phone and tried to walk people through my site and I say okay go here now, they say wait I'm still waiting for the page to load...Okay now on photo gallery...they say okay I say 4th picture down bott....they say wait I'm waiting for the photo gallery page to load...Seriously though it is that much faster nothing loads it just pops up! :cool:
I agree with Andrew....I gotta get that cable modem....I spend more time waiting than anything...and geting thrown off and try after try to get back on:mad: ..as far as delco I will go out of site and return and sometimes that speeds things up...thay only post a reply from me every now in then so i spend more time on dans,rons,mikes and gregs BBS .alot more traffic and posting...Don't get me wrong I have alot of respect for Delco but there BBS is a lil' out dated.
I'll stick with my DSL, there is no way I will support my cable company anymore than I have to and I do have to use them just to get basic local channels.
If I ever get around to it I'm going with the dish in the sky with a eye,its cheaper than running two phone lines.

They make one for your tv too Luckyboy,I got one,I can pick anything in the sky to watch,,,,,,yel even them too hahaha.
I have the cable modem which of course makes everything much faster on my computer except when I go on Delco's bb. Can't figure it out. It is frustrating because I have no problems with the other bb's as far as speed goes.

After I posted this thread I went on Delco's bb again and it seemed to go a little faster except sometimes when you open one of there post a different one would pop up. It seems like they need some serious updating.